Posted by on May 1, 2012 in Featured | 6 comments

Aimee @ UWG

Aimee is a masters student at the University of West Georgia Psychology.  For more information on the department see the psychology student website or the psychology department website.



  1. 5-29-2012

    Dear Aimee and Family, I wanted to offer words of support and prayers for you at this difficult time. In July 2010, I had to have a double mastectomy after being diagnosed with breast cancer. After the initial mastectomy, all of my skin died and I had to have five more surgeries to repair the damage. I still need more surgeries. this entire ordeal has been devastating and painful, both physically and emotionally. My family and friends have been very helpful and supportive. I am proud of you for your
    and good attitude. We don’t get to choose the challenges we face, but we can choose how we deal. God bless you in this difficult time. In Jesus name, I pray you recover. Sherr Little

  2. 6-19-2012

    Dear Aimee and family, I am very sorry to hear of your injuries and of this painful bacteria. You and your family are in my prays. I pray that God will stop your pain as quickly as possible. I noticed on your site your picture with the poster “All You Need Is Love”. I will play my favorite BEATLES Tune for you “Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds”.

    God Bless you and your family during these difficult times.

  3. 6-26-2012


    I’m sure it’s already been said but…..God has a plan for all of us. Out of this tragedy I believe that his plan will be revealed and you are going to go on to do amazing things with your life. You already have with your courage and determination, showing the rest of us how we can overcome great adversity though sheer will and faith. The world has not heard the last of Aimee Copeland. Not by a long shot!! God Bless you and your family.

    Rob D.

  4. 7-6-2012

    All I can say is God has a plan for you!

  5. 7-30-2012

    que dios te sane y la virgen maria, te quiero mucho
    eres una mujer valiosa, y dios tienes algo preparado para ti

    att tu admirador numero 1 de ciudad victoria tamaulipas
    te envio mi msn,para estar en contacto

    bendiciones para ti,hermosa mujer,paz y bien

  6. 7-30-2012

    te quiero mucho aimee ,eres una mujer valiente,que dios y la virgen maria te llenen de muchas bendiciones att tu admirador numero 1
    carlos cesar salazar chapa,paz y bien,estamos en contacto,y recurda mucho que tu eres una mujer valiosa, y que dios y la virgen maria estan siempre contigo,

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