Posted by on Jul 10, 2012 in ANDY'S BLOG WITH UPDATES | 235 comments

Here’s a quick update on a really huge development: Pulte Homes is donating the construction of a 1970 square foot addition to our home that we are calling “Aimee’s Wing”. What blows me away is that the construction should be complete in roughly 40 days, hopefully in time for Aimee’s “graduation” from rehab.

Aimee’s knocking it out in rehab. I sat with her today, watching her determined effort as she exerted herself through her exercise regimen. Her face was red and the vein in her neck was bulging as she pressed herself into her repetitions with serious determination. It’s like she was training for the Olympics.

She goes through several half hours a day of this kind of workout. I think her effort is on a par with the effort displayed by our Olympian athletes. She never slowed her pace, she never complained and she even laughed with us  as she went through her paces.

Tomorrow Aimee gets fitted with test sockets for her prosthetics. No, she will not quite have prosthetic limbs just yet, at least not until the test fittings prove successful. Perhaps she is a couple of weeks away from her goal of having “a thumb” once again. That’s how she views having a hook-hand.

As I sit here and type I realize just how fortunate I am, we are, to have hands. Take a moment tonight, tomorrow, every doggone day, to thank God for what you have. Taking time to realize your blessings makes life all the more worth living.


  1. 7-10-2012

    Mr. Copeland,

    I am impressed with your continued love for our Lord. Taking time to be thankful is so often overlooked. I needed the reminder. May God continue to hold and keep your family in His hands.

    • 7-15-2012

      A dmirable
      I n God’s hands
      M agnificent
      E ndlessly amazing
      E xtraordinary
      Thats what Aimee is! God bless you Aimee!!!!!!! 🙂

      • 7-26-2012

        Awesome God.

    • 7-16-2012

      Mr. Copeland,
      I have been
      reading your blogs since the beginning, shortly after Aimee’s accident.
      This is my first comment.
      I am a 46 year old mother of three young children. I am a German citizen, but I have been living in California for over 20 years. I am deeply touched by everything Aimee and your family went through, as much as an outsider can comprehend the complex challenges of your situation.
      I continue to pray for all of you.
      May I say: With all her amputations and surgeries, your daughter is absolutly, perfectly beautiful !
      with Love,

      • 7-25-2012


        Thank you so very much keeping us posted about your daughter Aimee. She is a very amazing girl with all that she has been through. What an inspiration she is to me and my family. We are all praying for her and the family, while she goes through rehab. Our heavenly father is with her every step of the way. I am also from Germany and have 3 grown kids and I have never seen such out pouring love from anyone as I have while living here in the USA. I must say; you have a wonderful family and 2 beautiful girls. Much Love, Denise

      • 9-12-2013

        Aimee, you are incredible!
        As fashionistas,(you and me), where did you get the gorgeous dress you wore on Katie?

      • 7-31-2014

        Amen! She is a beautiful woman and very strong in her faith.

    • 7-19-2012

      Dear Mr. Aimee I have read about yoru struggle with the phantom limb pain,
      apparently there is a medical break through and very easy and non invasive simple relief to victim of amputation called mirror therapy.
      I have seen it on TV and is is incredibly simple and gives amazing and fast resluts. here is the linkL

      It is called phantom limb mirror therapy.

      God bless you and get well soon.

    • 7-20-2012

      Dear Aimee & Copeland Family, PRAISE THE LORD, HE HAS BROUGHT HER & YOU THIS FAR! <3 You are on my PRAYER LIST, as well as our CHURCH PRAYER CHAIN! <3

      PLEASE PRAY for my GRANDSON KEITH ANTHONY McKINNY, who has been FIGHTING STAGE 4 LEUKEMIA & STAGE 4 LYMPHOMA in & out of City of Hope National Medical Center for the last 2 years! He had a BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT on March 24, 2011 & was CANCER FREE FOR OVER A YEAR! PRAISE GOD! <3 Unfortunately, his LEUKEMIA HAS RETURNED as a DIFFERENT KIND, MORE AGRESSIVE & FASTER GROWING THAN BEFORE! But HE IS IN GODS HANDS, which is the BEST PLACE HE CAN BE! <3 He gas been home for a short while, but HE & his MOM, LINDA, ARE AT CITY OF HOPE RIGHT NOW! HE HAS BEEN HAVING PAIN & VOMITING for awhile! We don't know yet if HE WILL BE ADMITTED TODAY or not. PLEASE PRAY also for his PARENTS, RICK & LINDA, as well as OUR WHOLE FAMILY, SO WE CAN STAY STRONG FOR KEITH! For his whole story, documented with pictures, go to his FB Profile. Keith Anthony McKinny.


    • 7-28-2012

      I am inspired by your family’s love and by Aimee’s determination to overcome her new set of circumstances and she will overcome them! It is overwhelming to know that so many good, caring people walk this earth and they are there for you when you need them. I have witnessed this power myself in my community for another child under similar circumstances. God Bless the Copeland Family!

    • 7-28-2012

      Aimee, I am in awe of your courage and strength. God has surely worked miracles in your life. The coming days will be very hard, but not as hard as the road you have already been through. Just know, the whole Nation is behind you, praying for you…loves you just for yourself! Thank God he didn’t take you away. You have many more miracles to perform.

  2. 7-10-2012

    I am so happy for her and her determination. I lost my father to flesh eating Nov 3 2011. I am so glad she is doing such a good job and is going to be an insperation to a lot of people

  3. 7-10-2012

    She is such an inspiration. We all need to stop and think about what we have in life and quit complaining about small piddley thing. God is so good. Hang in there Aimee we are praying for you and your family

  4. 7-10-2012

    Wow, that is awesome! Nice to hear she is doing so well under the circumstances. She must be an AMAZING young lady with an amazing supportive family to boot. Aimee, keep thinking positive!

  5. 7-10-2012

    Just want to say God Bless you and your family. Aimee you are a great inspiration. Glad to hear you are doing better.

  6. 7-10-2012

    What an inspiration You are in my prayers!

  7. 7-10-2012

    So glad to see the determination of this young lady. I shared in the nation’s concern and I now share in your joy as she recovers.

  8. 7-10-2012

    She’s one amazing individual! I admire her, for her strength and determination. I keep her in my heart and in my prayers! May god hold her hand through her rehabilitation, and pull her through as he already has. She’s truly blessed to have such an amazing support system. Stay strong Aimee!! 🙂

  9. 7-10-2012

    So exciting. Praying for her. She is phenomenal.

  10. 7-10-2012

    I am so amazed at her accomplishments, yo go girl. I include you in my prayers everyday.

  11. 7-10-2012

    Praise the Lord, He is so good! Aimee, NC loves you! Thanks to your dad for keeping us all updated. Sending so much praise and thanksgiving up for your progress and determination. You will soar like an eagles wing. You go girl!

  12. 7-10-2012

    Yay for Aimee, way to go Pulte Homes!!! I very recently broke my right ankle, everytime I even think about what an inconvenience this is, Aimee’s face and situation come to mind and then I apologize to God for being so selfish. I have been following her story since day one, Andy you are a wonderful father and writer, thank you for always keeping Aimee’s followers upto date, God bless you and yours!!! Linda A. Port Orange Fl. 32127

    • 7-31-2012

      I, too, broke my right ankle around the time Aimee had her accident and I have followed her story earnestly. I started to feel very depressed about my situation, but I took strength knowing that Aimee was overcoming such difficult circumstances, far beyond what I was experiencing. I pray that all of her goals are reached and she continues to be used by God as an inspiration to others of the unquenshable human spirit. Thank you and God bless you, Aimee.

  13. 7-10-2012

    Aimee and her family are truly a blessing to everyone. March on baby, march on……

  14. 7-10-2012

    Praise God! Such givers were these that are donating Aimees wing..Such hope you bring to so many.!!! GO AIMEE!!!

  15. 7-10-2012

    My sincerest heartfelt support for you.

  16. 7-10-2012

    When I first heard Aimees story I started praying for her and have kept it up. Thank you so much for your daily postings and yes Aimee is truely one of our blessed hero’s for not giving up. She has such strength and beliefs of wellness You are lifted up Aimee

    • 7-10-2012

      I thank God every morning when I wake up for another day of living and learning and loving.

  17. 7-10-2012

    Congratulations on the new addition! That is a huge blessing for them to donate that your family! I was touched by Aimee’s story because my uncle went through so much after being exposed to a substance from a cactus in Arizona. I have been keeping Aimee in my prayers adn will continue! May God keep his healing hand over your family and Bless YOU!

  18. 7-10-2012

    God bless you guys! Aimee is such a fighter and I love hearing her updates regularly! It is great to know that she keeps that positive spirit about her!

  19. 7-10-2012

    God bless your beautiful and determined daughter and the rest of you.

  20. 7-10-2012

    Aimee is one amazing young lady. I sure do admire her courage and her will to recover. She is a beautiful person… inside and out.
    A special thanks to Pulte Homes for building Aimee’s Wing.

  21. 7-10-2012

    Amazed by you and your daughter! Praying for Aimee and your family.

  22. 7-10-2012

    She is truly an inspiration. An example of strength and the will to live. We should all learn from her example.

  23. 7-10-2012

    I have been following your beautiful daughter’s story since day 1. I just want you all to know what an inspiration you all are and especially Aimee. God Bless from Baltimore, MD.

  24. 7-10-2012

    I have been following Aimee’s story. She is a real inspiration. It is a sad thing that happened to such a beautiful person. But through her journey she has showed me that when you have faith that you can
    get through anything. So I want to say thank you Aimee for being so strong you have touched many lives.

  25. 7-10-2012

    Aimee you are the ultimate athlete! Keep fighting!

  26. 7-10-2012

    What a wonderful update. What an amazing thing Puite Homes is doing!! God bless them.

    As for Aimee….wow, just wow!!! GO AIMEE!!! Strangers all over the world are rooting for you!!!! You’ll never meet us. You wouldn’t know us on the street if you saw us. But we’re out here…praying for you, your family, and the people caring for you. We have, many of us, from the very first moment we read your story.

    Can I just say that I cannot believe the miracle!?!

    I still remember the first news article I read when the doctors said you had a “slim to none” chance of surviving.

    And now look at you!! You and your family are amazing!

    May God let his blessings be poured out on you in such abundance that you cannot contain them all!

  27. 7-10-2012

    Aimee is such an inspiration to all of us! God Bless her and God Bless your whole family.

  28. 7-10-2012

    Aimee, you are amazing! God has provided a purpose for you and we are truly blessed to have you in this life. Thank you for your tremendous spirit and courageous fight. You are making a difference to so many people. My continued prayers for your recovery. You have a wonderful family. Thank you for your smile.

  29. 7-10-2012

    So exciting about the house. Also the great report on her progress. She’s a trooper. I am so proud of her spunk. Keep looking up. God is good.

  30. 7-10-2012

    I pray for her strength and hope she is inspired by my story. Life after amputations can definitely be exciting. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, I wish her all the best. I am a quad amputee after surviving sepsis 5 years ago. If you Google my name, my stories can be found. (Merlyna Adams)
    I am proud of Aimee!

    • 7-15-2012

      Merlyna, I read your AMAZING story-what a journey you have had and what a GREAT love story. I know you can be a tremendous witness and inspiration for Aimee. Everyone needs to read YOUR story also-you go girl!!

  31. 7-10-2012

    Aimee, you are giving me hope that I will get well, but not without a will and a persistance, exercizing and working hard to overcome my years of not being able to move.
    I have all my limbs, and was missing the will that you are inspiring me to exercise.
    Thank you, and one day we may meet on some street corner, walking about.

  32. 7-10-2012

    Your daughters strength amazes me….

  33. 7-10-2012

    I have followed Aimee’s story from the beginning and so admire her strength and courage, as a transplant recipient I know how much a healthy person takes for granted, everything and everyday is a gift from God to be lived to the fullest, may God be with Aimee and your family through this journey.
    Bettyann Harlow

  34. 7-10-2012

    Praying for you! Stay focused and determined!

  35. 7-10-2012

    I have loved reading Aimee’s story. She was in graduate school with the son of one of my small group friends from church in Ohio. Since the accident I have followed your blog, prayed for Aimee daily and can testify of Gods blessing toward Aimee and your family. She’s an amazing person and such a testimony of Gods unfailing love for us. If God is for who can be against us. Blessings to you all.

  36. 7-10-2012

    Aimee is one incredible person. We all should take lessons from her. Bless you

  37. 7-10-2012

    Aimee is an absolute inspiration her determination to live and to fight is something that many people would not have, she is and will be a role model to many people.

  38. 7-10-2012

    I have been following Aimee’s progress since the story first broke. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to help in my own small way. All I can think of is, “What if it was my daughter?” To think how many experiences I have been through and that could be me.

    I’m not wealthy, but I would love to buy a subscription to her favorite website or something like that. She probably has enough flowers and teddys by now. This is what I have devoted my retirement to… helping others as I have been so fortunate during my lifetime. Please, just ask.


  39. 7-10-2012

    Aimee im so proud of how strong u are. U are such a inspiration to us all. I wish u all the best in the future. Keep it up! God bless you and all of your family.

  40. 7-10-2012

    We take everything for granted! Love and prayers to Aimee and your family!

  41. 7-10-2012

    Way to go Aimee!! Keep it up and know that there are so many people cheering you on. Your positive attitude inspires me and will be my example when I share your story with my children at home and at school. You are still in my prayers. 🙂 Mary Mock

  42. 7-10-2012

    Aimee seems like a real fighter. However, i do take an exception to the Olympics comparison. Aimee’s training is REAL and many times the effort is needed. I’m willing to bet that any of this year’s Olympians would tell you Aimee’s is working harder and for a more important reason than they will or have EVER had to!

  43. 7-10-2012

    praying for you all

  44. 7-10-2012

    sending you lovelovelove, mojo, prayers, healing thoughts and everything i can muster at this moment. grateful each and every day for what i have been given and happy to share with you.

  45. 7-10-2012

    You have been in my family’s prayers. So happy to hear of the determination you have and the progress you are making. What a blessing you are and what a blessed family you have! Love, hugs, and prayers from Benton, Illinois!


  46. 7-10-2012

    Aimee is such an inspiration to all that know her story. Thanks for sharing. I pray God will continue to sustain and strengthen her each day. Blessings!!

  47. 7-10-2012

    I have read all of your postings with eager as some of our young folks read their facebook. I have a daughter close to her age and she is my heart as is her children. You have heard over and over again that she is an inspiration and she is but I think a better description would be that she is a true angel!!!!

  48. 7-10-2012

    Hi amy i am so happy to hear you are out of the hospital and doing good i know you have a long road ahead of you i have been following your story ever since i heard about you i do thank god everyday that i am in good health but i also ask him how he could let this happen to such a young intellegent girl and why not me,i am 41 i have been blessed with a pretty decent life.but i guess he had other plans.amy i will be praying for you everyday and everynight,keep the courage up and keep fighting don’t give up me and my boyfriend are proud of you,you are an inspiration to everyone and if you ever need someone to talk to i am on facebook

  49. 7-10-2012

    Aimee and Family:

    I continue to pray for you all.

    Ben Cromer
    Inman, S. C.

  50. 7-10-2012

    Dear Andy,

    I would feel blessed to be able to donate my time and labor for free to help make Aimee’s new “wing” a lovely place for her…maybe I could make her “something”…a pillow, a window treatment, or comforter or something….If you are working with a Interior Designer for the project…please tell her/him of my offer to help with something…I know I couldn’t do the whole thing, but every little bit helps….God Bless Aimee and your family…
    Robin Jackson

  51. 7-10-2012

    I have been praying since day 1. I have followed your story since it began. God is awesome. She is just getting better and better.

    I know how hard this is. I’ve had some major rehab myself for broken bones and a number of other things. I’ve torn ligaments, tendons. I myself am lucky to be alive.

    So tell Amiee, that she isn’t alone in this fight. Their are millions of people praying and pulling for her everyday.

    She has touched my heart, with this whole situation. Thank God she made it this far. I remember when noone knew if she was going to live or not. I prayed so hard.

    Well i don’t want to come off as a nutcase or something. Trust me I’m just a fellow human being that has suffered tradegy of my own.

    I will keep praying for more recovery.

    Stephen Michael Dirse.

  52. 7-10-2012

    Your positive outlook on things brightens up my life daily! I find it hard to complain about the little things in life when I think of your family…Your family is truely a great inspiration to many!

  53. 7-10-2012

    That’s incredibly wonderful news! All her hard work is going to be rewarded with a space to practice and improve all her newly acquired skills. Thank you Jesus for all these answers to prayer!

  54. 7-10-2012

    Pulte Homes is amazing for doing that for Aimee. Pulte….You guys rock!

  55. 7-10-2012

    We are very fortunate and we don’t always take time to thnk about that or to thank God. Thanks for the reminder Andy! And too, how fortunate are we to know you guys and have the opportunity to help precious Aimee!

  56. 7-10-2012

    God Bless Aimee and family. saying prayers

  57. 7-10-2012

    We’ve been following Aimee’s journey from the beginning. Her courage and determination and the great love of her family and friends will see you all through this journey. Our prayers are with you every day. And yes, gratitude is a constant state of mind.

  58. 7-10-2012

    Well done Aimee, i’ve just finished reading through your blog Andy and your family are awe inspiring. i hope Aimee continues to heal in leaps and bounds, she is most definately in my thoughts and prayers. She is amazing, please pass on my love all he way from the uk xxxx

  59. 7-10-2012

    My prayers and thoughts are forever with you.
    My your courage and wonderful will to live be
    an examlpe to all of us. You are turely one of God’s
    angles on earth.

    Michelle (MIlwaukee)

  60. 7-10-2012

    Once,I had my right hand in a cast for 5 weeks and once I had my left leg in a cast and was on crutches for 6 weeks. That in no way approximates Aimee’s challenges but it did show me just how much I took my motor skills for granted. Just trying to put on a pair of socks one-handed was exceedingly frustrating. When I first tried to carry a bowl of dog food from one room to the next, I realized that I had to use both hands to hold my crutches – so I put the bowl on the floor and pushed it toward the next room with my crutch. . . and my situation was temporary. Aimee’s situation has made me ever more aware of how fortunate I am. Aimee’s attitude humbles me. She is teaching so much to so many.

  61. 7-10-2012

    Andy, I was telling a friend about Aimee tonight and I said, whenever the young boys I nanny for or even myself, feel we have a reason to feel sad, I say to myself, we have so much to be thankful for!
    And I am so thankful for you and your family and your love of Jesus and your daughter that you have allowed LOVE to pull you and her through! I look forward to when it is the right time to visit with her. Please tell her she is SO in my heart! Thank you, Andy!

  62. 7-10-2012

    What a Blessing it is to read how God is working in the life of your beloved Aimee and the rest of the family. Thank you so much Mr.Copeland for the updates and the reminders of how Blessed we are. I pray for Aimee’s recovery and WOW!! God is so good. As we’ve all seen that she shouldn’t have made it and yet God’s grace has prevailed and He has shown how Big He is!!! Praise God and God Bless you all!

  63. 7-10-2012

    Hi Aimee,
    The world is so proud of your accomplishments. You keep working hard, sweetie, and soon you’ll be back at school finishing up your masters program. I hope your dad posts pictures of you receiving your degree. Tell your dad, too, that I’m so glad of the huge donation by Pulte Homes. I’ll look them up on the internet and send them a card of congratulations. I’ll keep you in my heart and in prayer.

  64. 7-10-2012

    Hi Aimee,

    I have just finished catching myself up on your progress. I am so thankful that you are now in rehab and doing so well. God is sure good, isn’t He? I’m the gal from northeastern Vermont that has been praying for you and thinking of you often. When God lays someone on my heart and burdens me to pray for that someone, I always make sure that I do it faithfully. Aimee, God laid you on my heart, and I have been praying ever since. God bless you as you go through rehab. He will be with you every step of the way, and I’ll be reading your Dad’s blog often so that I can follow your progress. I wanted to share with you my very favorite Bible verse. This verse sustains me every day. Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” I will send you another message soon, Aimee. I know that God is going to use the suffering that you’ve gone through in order to bring glory to Himself. There are others out there who are suffering, and I know that God will use you to minister to them.

    In Christian love,

  65. 7-10-2012

    Praise God for wonderful bringing such a blessing to Aimee and your family! I know that you are are so excited and thankful for Pulte Homes. I have been reading her story from Texas since the beginning. I am so excited that she is fighting so hard! God is blessing you with the addition. Aimee and your family is blessing people all around the world. She is showing us what a woman with God behind her can do. Healing and Blessing prayers sent your way.

    Prayers from Texas

  66. 7-10-2012

    Dear Andy,

    Aimee’s courage and strength are truly awe inspiring! It is amazing the great strides she makes on a daily basis. She works harder than your average Joe.

    Also, I do try to instill in my two sons to give thanks each and every day for the use of their heart, their brain, their lungs, their limbs, and the tremendous system that is our body.

    May God continue to bless you and your family. Aimee makes miracles happen!



  67. 7-10-2012

    Dear Copeland Family,

    It amazes me how strong Amy has been through this and in such a short time. Her recovery is amazing! I received a call today my father at 74 yrs of age, may have amputation! I pray he will have the strength and courage as Amy has. He also has very strong beleifs in the Lord. As I continue to pray and think of Amy every day, please say a prayer for my family.

    Pam Hare
    Snellville, GA.

  68. 7-10-2012

    Aimee you are truly wonderful!!! I have watched your miraculous recovery and God never ceases to amaze me with His never ending blessings. Thank you Mr. Copeland for keeping us updated with her recovery and in the midst of it spreading God’s word.

  69. 7-10-2012

    I have been so encouraged by Aimee’s strength and her families faith. You have been and will continue to be an example/reminder of God’s strength.

  70. 7-10-2012

    YIPPEE! YIPPEE!! For Pulte Homes!
    GREAT NEWS, and a GREAT bunch of guys and gals to do this!!

    There is a LOT of work ahead, and we will ALL be praying and cheering for her!

  71. 7-10-2012

    Who needs the Olympics when we have Amy! She is the bronze, silver, and gold medalist! Amy, you are an inspiration to all of us!

    • 7-11-2012

      Oops, auto correct spelled Aimee’s name incorrectly.

  72. 7-10-2012

    You are phenomenal. Your rock-hard faith, your family’s strength, all of your positive energy is passing through Aimee in all of this. It seems you have also raised a young woman with all of these things already, too. God bless you all…your words encourage us all when it seems you are the one in need. Thank you and I continue to keep Aimee and each of you lifted in prayer.

  73. 7-10-2012

    Thank you for helping us stop and smell the roses. God bless Aimee, your family and all the kindhearted angels God sends your way.

  74. 7-11-2012

    to all of the family please keep fighting you’re not alone

  75. 7-11-2012

    I am with your family 199% … believe that

  76. 7-11-2012

    Praise the Lord for what he has done in Amiee life and still doing, still praying for her and family and I do thank God everyday for my limbs cause we never know how quick they can be taken away,I appreciatge you Andy for the updates you post. May God bless you all

  77. 7-11-2012

    Oh, I am so glad that someone has stepped up to the plate as Pulte Homes has for you and your family. This is such good news, I bet you were so stressed out regarding what and how you were going to pay for all of this for your lovely daughter Aimee. I am a Realtor and I will remember that when I sell homes. Thank you Pulte for helping this family and bless all of you who have helped the Copelands…Cope, may the prayers continue to be with you and your family Mr. & Mrs. Copeland..God Bless you and remember there has to be a purpose for all this to have happened to your family..Just what is it, is it to bring people together in these trying times or and is it to bring people back to the faith of God!! We shall only see once Aimee gets up and going and out of rehab….I am sure there is alot more to come from journey.

  78. 7-11-2012


    I’m so happy to hear about the donated construction project, that is totally awesome.
    Believe me, I am thankful every single day when I look at my slightly damaged arm and my other totally normal limbs. I was so close to losing them just three months ago. My situation fit every typical symptom for developing NF, the only thing is that it was halted in the nick of time and that is only because of my wife’s urging to go to the hospital. Talk about a lesson there! Guys, you need to listen to your wives, don’t be stubborn, it just might save your life someday! That experience changed my perspective and my heart forever. I thank God everyday for how He used her.

    I will always pray for Aimee and her healing and her success. I’m not the least bit surprised by her effort and determination. She will do great. Blessings to all of you.

  79. 7-11-2012

    A very strong “Angel” way to go Aimee.Wonderful news on house….
    U are love…

  80. 7-11-2012

    Such great news for Aimee and your family. I have been following your journey since i saw the first story on Such amazing strength and spirit. just goes to show theres nothing that cant be overcome with prayer and faith

  81. 7-11-2012

    Hi, so glad things are progressing well for Aimee! She’s been through so much – we really admire her for her determination to live and now thrive in physical therapy. So good to read your blogs, Mr. Copeland! You are such an excellent writer. You know, I think the two of you should write a book about your experiences and then go on speaking engagements and tour where she will inspire people everywhere. I guess it would depend on how she feels about that. She’s already known worldwide but to hear her (and, you, I must add!) talk about your experiences at a speaking enegagement would just be incredible.

    I’m so thrilled that Pullte Construction is going to donate their time, materials and resources for Aimee to live with you that will accomodate her disabilities!

    I pray & think about Aimee and your family everyday. I like the way you write and appreciate the blog updates… thanks so much. I’ve learned so much through you, Aimee and the rest of your family! 🙂 I’m so inspired.

    At your next fundraiser, we would like to donate 3 brand-new snake boards. These are worth about $100 each and are really fun! These have never been used or opened out of the package – still factory sealed. These are like skate boards but even better than skate boards. Each snake board includes padded carrying case, the snake board lights up in purple and blues on the bottom of the board… very cool and fun! 🙂

    We would really like to donate 3 of these (snake boards) for you to raffle off, or use as rewards for people coming to your next fundraisers. I can get the tickets for you if you’d like to do the raffle and/or for rewards. I have 4 pictures I can send to you to show how the snake boards look and work.

    Also, we would like to donate at least 50 (fifty) nice, beautiful, silk ties that have never been used and are still in the original manufacturing plastic sleeves. You could sell these at your fundraisers for $15/tie.

    We don’t have much to offer except these but want to make a contribution, again, if we can in a different way.

    Please contact me at if you are interested, or call my sister on my cell phone at 678-849-4444. I have my own cell phone but can’t hear on it very well. I’m deaf in both ears with a cochlear implant on the left side and hearing aid on the right side. It’s very difficult to hear on the phone so my sister makes calls and accepts calls for me. Her name is Lisa Mowrey.
    You may want to call her at 678-867-0028.

    Please let me know if you would like us to donate these items… we would be thrilled to help out in this way. We can take the snake boards and 50 ties to whomever is running and/or setting up the fundraiser.

    God bless your family and Aimee – may you have a blessed and wonderful day today. : )

    Juliet and Lisa Mowrey

  82. 7-11-2012

    So grateful that God is with Aimee giving her the strength, the will to want to work through to her new abilities. She is one beautiful and strong young woman! Thank you Andy for sharing this latest update! Take care of yourself!

  83. 7-11-2012

    My heartfelt admiration to a very brave girl. I found this site and thought it might be useful:

    All the best

  84. 7-11-2012

    How awesome Andy, Donna, Paige, and especially Aimee.
    We never know what we are capable of until we are faced with incredible challenges. God helps us reach heights that we never imagined were possible as long as he is by our side …..our family continually prays for you guys and your daily challenges, whatever they may be, emotional, physical, financial, or spiritual. We love you all!

  85. 7-11-2012

    There are not enough words to express how amazing, courageous, and beautiful your Aimee is. My biggest fear in life is loosing my limbs. I do not know what I would do if that was to ever happen but your daughter is showing people that it’s not the end of the world when you become different. I can only hope that if I was ever in her shoes that I could handle it with such grace and dignity. She has a long and difficult road ahead of her but it is a beautiful one also and I wish her the best in whatever she does with her future. She is truly an inspiration to us all.

  86. 7-11-2012


  87. 7-11-2012

    We are so happy to hear of your lovely daughter’s progress. Our prayers continue for you and your amazing family.

  88. 7-11-2012

    First I would like to say You and your family have been in our prayers since the beginning of this tragic accident !! And we will continue to keep you there in your recovery !!

    Now, the reason for the comment……….

    We own a surplus building material business in Woodstock, Ga.

    We would like to donate some of the materials that you will need in your home renovation.

    We carry siding, doors, trim, roofing and more…..

    Please let us know what would be of most help to you.

    You can call:

    Tim Roland :770-894-1110

    Lori Roland : 770-894-1111

    Or send an email to: or

    We would love to help in some way if possible !!

    With our deepest regards,

    Tim & Lori Roland
    Building Material Surplus @ Woodstock

    May God’s blessings keep a sheild of protecton around you !!

  89. 7-11-2012

    I have been following this since day one and I am very proud of the improvements and the fight this young lady has! You are a inspiration and looking forward to seeing you up and back to doing the things you love!! Keep the fight up sweetheart!!!

  90. 7-11-2012

    Amy you are incredible. That’s all I keep saying, but you really are.

  91. 7-11-2012

    Aimee, you are incredible. That’s all I keep saying, but you really are. Everytime I read a blog I am completely amazed.

  92. 7-11-2012

    amazing strength and faith. wow. blessings continue to flow. <3 thank you for continuing to share aimee's story.

  93. 7-11-2012

    Andy, thank you so much for sharing Aimee’s story with the world. You are such a beautiful family and your faith has brought me to tears many times. While I too, am a believer in Christ and His kingdom, your family’s story has inspired me to get back into God’s word with renewed enthusiasm and count my blessings every day. I am so awed in the strength of your faith. As a new mother, I hope that my husband and I can build a family upon Christ’s rock, just as you and your wife have done with your precious daughters. Sending love and prayers for Aimee’s recovery from Washington, DC.

  94. 7-11-2012

    Thats right today I have me done a MRI because I have back pain its reveald that I have. a cist in my vertebral column a herniated disc and somethings more I thougth waw Im just 29 and Im having this problems maybe osteoartritis too and I got scared then I thougth Aimme Copeland dosent think like that she is working it out so thanks because your example make me strong at the adversity

  95. 7-11-2012

    Pulte Homes have such a big heart. And I am thanking God for everything we take for granted. Sending warm thoughts your way for Aimee and your family.

  96. 7-11-2012

    and knowing that there are people in the world like aimee makes it a better place to live.

  97. 7-11-2012

    Aimee sounds like an amazing person! She lost so much and yet she sounds really happy and high spirited. I was so happy to hear that company volunteering to help Aimee and her family. You guys are great!

  98. 7-11-2012

    I live in GA, and have family in Snellville, so Aimee’s story has sort of hit ‘close to home’. I’ve followed Aimee’s story and recovery, and have prayed for her comfort and strength, off and on for the past few months, and all I can say is “Wow! Just wow!”. To say Aimee is a real trooper and an incredible inspiration to all is definitely an understatement. Thank you for sharing her story so eloquently and sincerely in this blog. Take care, God’s blessing on you all, and continued prayers for an incredible young woman!

  99. 7-11-2012

    This is just awesome. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!

  100. 7-11-2012

    I am just one of millions that have prayed for Aimee and the rest of your family and not one minute has passed that I have not thanked God for our many blessings. Aimee is such an inspiration for so many. We will continue our prayers for you and yours.
    God bless you!

  101. 7-11-2012

    Aimee’s courage and determination is amazing. She is such a wonderful inspiration. I check your blog for Aimee’s progress every morning when I get to work. If nothing new then I just take a minute to look at her pictures and send her a little prayer. Keep up the good work in rehab Aimee, I know your going to do amazing things.
    Your in my thoughts and prayers,
    Mobile, AL

  102. 7-11-2012

    This is great news!!! You go Aimee!!! You have no idea what an inspiration you and your family have been!! I will continue to pray that things keep improving!!

  103. 7-11-2012

    Praise God! Thank you Pulte Homes! Thank you Ken for your patience and grueling work trying to manage this site!

    Andy, I believe that your example of fatherly love will help people understand the depth of God’s Fatherly love. Maybe this is why He chose you. Your family is obviously upstanding in His eyes. Surely you will touch a few unbelievers and they will remember your strength and words at some future date. For beleivers and unbeleivers alike; they can simply read the book of Job for an understanding of why things may happen to good people. The Lord will also bless your humility in making known your needs to us so we can help. He promises to meet all of your needs.

    Aimee, Paige and your wife are so lucky to have you! May the Lord continue to bless you every day. You have so many more than you know praying and reading. Write that book! Also, provide the Joni Earekson Tada story to Aimee for more inspiration and hope!

    Thank you for sharing your lives with us!

    • 7-11-2012

      Please don’t put my name on the previous comment. Thank you.

  104. 7-11-2012

    I think about that everyday I read about Aimee and her loss of hands and feet. I was wondering what she dreams about? For example, in her dreams does she still have her hands and feet?
    Keep up the good work Aimee, we are routing for you here in California!!

  105. 7-11-2012

    I am praying for healing physically and emotionally.God is good all the time,even when we don’t understand His ways

  106. 7-11-2012

    Aimee, you have inspired so many people. You have confronted your situation with bravery and strength. Myself and so many other people are so proud of you! I am not sure I could have be as strong as you are. I pray that you keep your strong and positive attitude. Life is too short to live unhappy or for anyone to feel sorry for themselves. I know in my heart that you will persevere and you will overcome most of the obstacles you may face. I will not begin to try and understand what you are going thru but please know that I will continue to pray for you and your family. I am so happy for you that Aimee’s Wing is being built for you. From what I’ve read about the construction, it is going to be an amazing addition to your home and such an awesome space for you to recover in. I was so touched by Poulte Homes generosity that I live chatted with them yesterday to tell them how amazing I think their gift is. God Bless Them for helping you and your family. Keep up the hard work to regain your strength and I know you will be home before you know it. I hope that I will get to meet you and talk with you one day. God Bless You and your family. Kathy McWilliams, Temple Ga.

  107. 7-11-2012


  108. 7-11-2012

    I’m amazed of the provisions of our precious Lord. PTL Pat

  109. 7-11-2012

    I am so excited for Amiee and her family. She is absolutely remarkable. I feel an excitement for her because my husband was injued in the navy and as a result he has the thumb on his left hand and 1/2 index finger, a complete prothesis on his right hand and he worked and had a garden, played volley ball as we camped with our family. At the age of 40 was diagnosed with parkinson’s disease. There has to be a lot of dtermination, someone to support you and help you learn to live again. I am so thankful Aimee has such a wonderful family and friends around the world to encourage her. Most important of all she has her faith in God who will give her all the strenght she needs every moment of every day.May God bless you all and I will continue to pray for you. Shelby Denton, Duncan, S.C.

  110. 7-11-2012

    Andy, Bob and I work in the soup kitchen once a month and today was our day. Every time I am there I thank God that we can help and that he is ever present. We are so thrilled that Aimee is doing so well and we know that God is with you all each step of the way. May God’s Blessing always be with you and your family. Carol & Bob
    & Bob Amy

  111. 7-11-2012

    My favorite Bible scripture:

    “Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

    Keep up the good work Aimee! You are to be commended for your positive outlook on life.
    Hugs and kisses to you from Valerie in Omaha, Nebraska

  112. 7-11-2012

    I am just in such awe and at a loss for words. You have been truly blessed in the face of an unspeakable tragedy. Lots of love to the entire Copeland Family for keeping us posted – in exquisite language – about your ordeal.
    Anna in Denmark

  113. 7-11-2012

    Aimee, you are such a perfect young woman! I have followed every detail of your accident and subsequent recovery and I think of you almost every day – no, actually I think of you EVERY day. Although I live far away in Europe, Germany (Lake Constance). I also had to talk to my parents, friends and colleagues about you – although I have never met you in real life! Nevertheless, thanks for having you!

    Andy, thank you for keeping the people up-to-date – I think everybody appreciates it…I do! God bless you, your daughter Aimee and the whole famiy!

  114. 7-11-2012

    You are so right about being thankful!!!! Thanks Aimee for being such an inspiration. Your attitude is just awesome!

  115. 7-11-2012

    I have been reading your blog from the beginning and the inspiration you and your family are to so many is truly amazing. Aimee has been in my daily prayers since the day I found out about her horrific accident. Our oldest daughter graduated from UGA in 2010 and you have made me stop to realize how blessed each day we have is – know you have truly impacted so many lives – I pray Aimee’s Wing will be a haven for her – she is a miracle and God has a plan for her life – a life she has fought to live!

  116. 7-11-2012

    “Take a moment to thank God for what you have”. Amen.

  117. 7-11-2012

    GO AIMEE!!!!!

    Man this girl is my hero. My life at times is lonely and empty and I have all my limbs. I wish I could muster up whatever it is she has inside her to succeed and persevere. I am so proud of her though, I am rooting her on. I want so bad for her to have state of the art prosthetic limbs. Bionic type stuff, were she can actually move fingers and have that thumb. It is already out there, someone needs to put these things on her as she is already so damn famous. She could do wonders for that whole industry.

  118. 7-11-2012

    Aimee..I so love to read these updates and with each one, I can see God actually using you to touch more and more lives. Your wonderful spirit and determination is definitely God-given. Your family has also been a blessing to all…always remember…GOD IS USING YOU!!!!! It is very obvious and touches me deeply. You remain in our prayers, and will continue to do so!!!!! xoxo betsy miller

  119. 7-11-2012

    It was rough Sat night for me…a cab driver gave me the “weirdies” on the way home from my night out…so I decided to go with my gut and be dropped off a good 3 miles from my house…i know, i know, every father’s worst nightmare right…but i did what i thought was best…as i removed my empire state building high heels…i attempted to walk home barefoot…Aimee’s story crossed my mind alot in my irritated state. I felt the pain beneath my feet, and the remorse of being so irresponsible..however I thought about the fact that i actually could walk, and i had working feet that could feel pain..i thought about how strong she has been and her efforts to warrior on back to health. Her story I think of often and have an appreciation for my body.

  120. 7-11-2012

    Andy, I was thinking the same thing… every time I hear bits of Aimee’s story and recovery on the TV or read about it on the Internet, I think how lucky we are to have our health and our bodies. Who knows what can happen any moment to change us forever. This must have taken you all by such surprise–and nonetheless you are all rolling with it and dealing with the what appears to be the best of the best response.

    I also think what an amazing father Aimee has… you are doing such an incredible job sticking by her and amplifying her strength. It’s clear where she gets her amazing character from!

    Bless you all and may the road ahead be paved with all the things you need, big and small.


  121. 7-11-2012

    I love you all!!!

  122. 7-11-2012

    I have followed this story with tears and cheers for this brave, beautiful woman and family. Reminds me of the song “Moonshadow” and finding peace and beauty in wherever you are and however this miracle of life is playing out. Wishing Aimee and her loved ones peace and strength for the long road ahead– I know she is up to the challenge. Go Aimee go!

    “Yes, I’m being followed by a moonshadow
    Moonshadow, moonshadow
    Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
    Moonshadow, moonshadow

    And if I ever lose my hands
    Lose my plow, lose my land
    Oh, if I ever lose my hands
    Oh, if – I won’t have to work no more

    And if I ever lose my eyes
    If my colors all run dry
    Yes, if I ever lose my eyes
    Oh, if – I won’t have to cry no more

    Yes, I’m being followed by a moonshadow
    Moonshadow, moonshadow
    Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
    Moonshadow, moonshadow

    And if I ever lose my legs
    I won’t moan, and I won’t beg
    Oh, if I ever lose my legs
    Oh, if – I won’t have to walk no more

    And if I ever lose my mouth
    All my teeth, north and south
    Yes, if I ever lose my mouth
    Oh, if – I won’t have to talk-

    Did it take long to find me?
    I ask the faithful light
    Oh, did it take long to find me?
    And, are you going to stay the night?

    I’m being followed by a moonshadow
    Moonshadow, moonshadow
    Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
    Moonshadow, moonshadow

    Moonshadow, moonshadow
    Moonshadow, moonshadow”

  123. 7-11-2012

    Our daughter, Patti, worked with Donna several years ago. We have all been praying for you. God will continue to bless you all, I know. I am so thankful for your loving friends and interested people over the country.

  124. 7-11-2012

    Keep up the hard work Aimee! You are a strong, beautiful young lady.

  125. 7-11-2012

    Please let your daughter know she is an amazing woman! I have watched and followed her progress. She is an inspiration and reminds me that I need to appreciate what I have and to not take it for granted as it is so easy to do. I hope she continues to keep up her positive attitude and has a speedy recovery.

  126. 7-11-2012

    you go girl!!!!! you are an inspiration to all!!!

  127. 7-12-2012

    I know you have heard many story’s like mine but I feel I just had to share it. I am a 41 year old female that at the age of 16 was paralyzed from a gunshot wind. I know it has not been released where amiee is at but I went to shepherd spinal center and spent almost 4 months learning to live all over. They are amazing! I have water skied snow skied I have two amazing children and a wonderful supportive x husband. I do hope this is where she is for the people that work there are amazing! I have been praying ever since I heard of this. I also donated blood as well as many of my family and friends and was at sneville as well as eating our share of chic first lay. We are from grayson GA. She is so beautiful and has such a amazing future ahead of her! God bless!

  128. 7-12-2012

    I think once in everyones life they hear a story, or knows somebody, or learns something that changes their life, that truely inspires them. This is mine. I feel like i know u and aimee, ofcourse i dont, but i feel close to your family. Your in my heart and prayers. I cant wait to see what Gods got in store for her. Shes going to light up the world. You and your family i will never forget.

  129. 7-12-2012

    Blessings to Aimee and the family. I keep you in my prayers guys.
    I found a page about holy oil that is used to annoint people in need for medical recover. The Christian denomination is Russian. Here is the page if you are interested, the page of the cathedral sending oil.

  130. 7-12-2012

    Aimee is in my thoughts and prayers every day and makes me thankful for what I have…What she has had to endure in such an extreme short amount of time is shocking and unbelievable…When I am having a bad time or bad day I look up to Aimee and think about her…she has become an angel and role model for me.
    …and the support of her family is wonderful as well, I hope she gets to come home soon and accomplish whatever she sets her mind to do!!!!
    I hearts you Aimee,
    much luv,
    Christa ( st. louis )

  131. 7-12-2012

    Unfortunately, being fitted with prosthetics is, today year 2012,
    still the only possible solution. Nature accidentally took away
    Aimee’s limbs, because a bacteria belonging to nature, made a mistake. Since, if we follow the Bible, nature has been made by God, he should provide also a solution to give Aimee’s
    limbs back in some way, as perfect copies from the originals.
    If, somewhere, this possibility exists, then it should been applied immediately onto Aimee.

    • 7-16-2012

      Hand transplantation.

      • 7-19-2012

        Some people might be speculating that there is possibility of rebuilding hands after amputation, and I have watched for some info to surface. Maybe it has. I believe the rebuilding is highly likely. Now that the world has taken keen interest in FEB it is a matter of a decade or less before warm hands or frozen hands are cured and re-attached. There is therefore argument for early amputation to preserve the base cells that constantly divide and grow outward to the skin and nails. The marrow will perhaps replace itself even if gone. The bone is perhaps least affected. Some additive to blood WILL kill all the f-e bacteria. The blood will revive the limbs and the flesh will return strong again, done in lab setting with pumps and blood reserves. Once proven out, the method could be used to rebuild hands not yet amputated. If the nerve tissue is less affected by FEB then this should all be seen to have practical results. If the nerve tissue is badly damaged then I don’t have a suggestion, I’m not a surgeon, but I hope to hear someday that someone who became a surgeon was able to help rebuild hands and get all the nerves back to functioning. I hope to read about a dialysis method that exterminates the bacteria in the blood. Maybe a voltage gradient across the body would deter FEB reproduction or maybe an actual poison would hit them harder than it does the patient. We need some new ways to deal with FEB, damaged limbs, and lost limbs. We need Andy’s blog to bring people forth who have info and ideas that will sooner or later cause great benefit for past, present, and future victims. Perpetual blessings to all of Aimee’s Army.

  132. 7-12-2012

    I have read every blog, some more than once, and never commented before….if you had written a blog every day, even if you had no news, I would still be inspired to read it!!! It takes a beautiful pair of parents to raise beautiful, amazing children, and you embody that quality. I wish the best for you and your family, and Aimiee!!!! Sending love and positive thoughts, from Knoxville, TN <3 GOD IS LOVE!!! He is shining and loving, through all of you 🙂

    • 7-12-2012

      I’ll add, it can sometimes take ONE amazing parents to raise beautiful, amazing children….for all the single parents out there. You just gotta lead by example!!!! People like Aimee do not just happen…its God and Gods work through parents!

  133. 7-12-2012

    So so true! I sat in my PT today watching a man struggle with his PT exercises, he was overweight, had a cane and was having a very hard time making it through the PT and I realized right then, I need to glorify God for giving me the ability to move freely in this world! I broke my ankle and was in a cast for 8 weeks and in PT to regain movement and thought about how other people who are physically challenged every day are not freed from their constraints and have to deal with their physical loss 24/7, but some rise above those constraints and amaze us, so it’s good to hear that Aimee is pushing herself to do the same!
    You are extremely blessed and God is giving you the blessings because of your faithfulness to Him.

  134. 7-12-2012

    I do thank God as I think of Aimee for my arms, legs, hands, and feet. I do think of Aimee daily and wonder how it is going as she works hard with the physical therapists. Sounds like she is really, really working hard to get back to normal. God has amazing plans for that girl! She will be a willing instrument! Pulte is amazing! May they be blessed 10 X 10 for their gift. We lived in a Pulte home in Chicago. They are excellent.

  135. 7-12-2012

    What a truely amazing daughter you have, and what a testiment to your family she is. You have all showed such a huge faith throughout all of this. I have thought about what Aimee has lost and am truely grateful for what I have. May Aimee continue to amaze us all with her great strength and determination. I will continue to keep up with Aimee through your blog and news stories. May God continue to bless you all.

  136. 7-12-2012

    Hi, it seems that I read that another builder had offered to help you prior to Pulte’s offer. Can you tell me the name of that builder? Thanks!

  137. 7-12-2012

    hi i feel really sorry for her but she is a strong person and she will get through this as they say there is light at the end of the tunnel i am thinking about her and she is in my thoughts every day god bless

  138. 7-12-2012

    What a trooper Aimee is. What a wonderful family you are. And yes…I so agree, we as humans take so much for granted. Thanks for the reminder. We need to thank God every day for all we have.

  139. 7-12-2012

    hi aimee and loved ones, i am so excited that you continue to push through. I have followed your story and everytime i read either your dad’s blog or the facebook entries, i can not help but to feel extreme admiration for you. Your tenacity and strenght moves me and shames my fears and feelings of inadequacy every time, my challenges are nothing, NOTHING!!
    My heart and prayers are with you young lady. You keep on living to the fullest.
    Thank you Aimee!

  140. 7-12-2012

    Aimee is SUCH an inspiration — not so much just sheer survival, but such mental and emotional resilience in the face of extreme adversity. God bless her and your family. She has already made a HUGE impact on countless lives, especially those suffering depression. It will be exciting for you to watch the people she encourages and blesses with future endeavors once she has made a full recovery! There is no doubt God has BIG plans for this young lady’s future!!

  141. 7-12-2012

    If there were at least one million more people as precious and determined as Aimee in this world, it would be such a better place.
    She is a beautiful young lady.

  142. 7-12-2012

    I am, as usual, amazed at your family. Whenever I feel down, I remember the upbeat spirit of Aimee and her family and it somehow reminds me of just how fortunate I am! Thank you…..

  143. 7-12-2012

    Once again you all inspire and amaze me!I am so happy to hear of Aimees progress and determination!You all continue to be in my prayers.I hope Aimee knows how much myself and SOOOO many other people around the WHOLE world admire her!I know God has a plan.We all just must have faith.Never give up Aimee and just continue to be the amazing person that you are!

  144. 7-12-2012

    Aimee certanly is an amazing girl.
    She has touched SO many lives, mine is one of them.

    My Best wishes to you Aimee darling and for your beloving family.
    You,All, have been in my prayers constantly.

    GOD Bless you Always………

  145. 7-12-2012

    How wonderful! Not a day goes by that I don’t pray for Aimee and her continued progress. She is truly an inspiration to many.

  146. 7-12-2012

    So glad to hear the good news! Thank you for reminding us to take time to thank the LORD for His blessings. Elizabeth

  147. 7-13-2012

    Amen! I continue to pray for Aimee 🙂 She is such an inspiration to me!!

  148. 7-13-2012

    Hi Aimee, have been following your story from the Uk every day, and have gone through a whole gamut of emotions since first reading about your accident – from disbelief and shock at the reports of the accident, through sorrow and hard praying when we didn’t know if you were going to survive, to hope when you showed signs of recovery, to rooting for you when reading that you were awake and talking, and yet worrying for you and your dad when thinking of him telling you what had happened, to grief when reading that your hands could not be saved and then almost immediately feeling so very very ‘proud’ of you at your response, and then just so overjoyed when we saw your smile in the photo on the day you went outside for the first time – I knew then seeing your face just what you were made of – wow! Atta girl! And now, I am utterly unsurprised to find that you are attacking rehab with gusto 🙂 You should know that you are a complete inspiration, and as I have been sitting here today buying tickets for the London 2012 Paralympics, I just thought ‘You know, i totally won’t be surprised if I see Aimee’s name in the line up for 2016!!’. Keep soldiering on Aimee – you are a true Warrior of Light, and the rest of us lesser mortals need our heroines to look up to :-D. With Love and Light, Fiona C, England xxx

  149. 7-13-2012

    Aimee and family, I’m so thankful that you are making such incredible progress and also that Pulte Homes has helped so much. That will be a wonderful welcome home surprise for you. We know how much this means to be able to enter and exit the home easily. My wife’s school donated a ramp and a carpenter to help us out too and it was a total surprise and a welcomed blessing. It enabled her to be released from the Nursing home early to start her recuperation from the necrotizing faciitis infection. God Bless you Amimee Copeland and your wonderful family. Many good things are coming your way we pray.
    Dave and Denise Martin
    Antioch, California

  150. 7-13-2012

    so proud of her

  151. 7-13-2012

    Way to go PULTE HOMES, what a blessing from God. I have been following Aimee’s amazing story since her accident, and what an inspirational young lady she is. You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers daily-God has a marvelous plan for Aimee’s future-she is already a miracle. Please continue with updates on your blog and let us all know her progress in rehab. She WILL walk down that aisle in December-a breeze compared to what she has already accomplished. God is good and miracles still happen! Prayers for your family and keep that strong faith.

  152. 7-14-2012

    I have taken the moment to thank God for my hands and other blessings, it has lifted me out of negativity about my chronic illness and answered my prayer for help with a dark mental state. Thank-you for sharing your faith and Aimee’s journey. May God bless you all and continue to use your story to inspire and uplift the world (I’m in Canada). As an ex-ICU nurse it makes me happy to see Aimee made a successful exit! With prayers for your continued success; keep on keeping on.

  153. 7-14-2012

    What wonderful news! A tremendous gift from Pulte Homes to create “Aimee’s Wing!”
    Thank you for the reminder to live in thankfulness, and not take something as basic as our thumbs, for granted. Praying for Aimee and your family…

  154. 7-14-2012

    Praise God for such a wonderful gift from Pulte Homes!!!

  155. 7-14-2012

    Whow what a wonderful gift: Aimee’s wing! And, Aimlee’s workout: got to be more than hard! I am so thankful, that all ours prayers & love got her to this point. A hook-hand attached to Aimee will bring a new meaning to prosthetics! Again Big Whow for Aimlee & Pulte Homes donating Aimee’s wing!

  156. 7-14-2012

    Many times since hearing of Aimee’s accident I have thought of her. My uncle is also a victim of necrotizing fasciitis and I think that is why I have been compelled to follow Aimee’s story/progress. I have prayed for Aimee when she has popped up in my mind as I am sure so many others around the world have. Thank you for sharing her story and updates.

  157. 7-14-2012

    Here is a song for you Aimee, you are in my prayers and I know God is with you now & forever. Here is the daily scripture for today and I believe God has a plam for you. In Jesus, Vicky

    But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.

    – Jeremiah 1:7-8 (NIV)

  158. 7-14-2012

    It is indeed a privilege to pray for Aimee and to read the messages shared by her dad who is so openly connected with Jesus, the creator of the universe. Others have their faith strengthened as they hear and see God’s glory reflected in the strength He offers those who take refuge in Him. How I thank Him for the love He has for us and the many opportunities He provided for us to draw near to Him.

  159. 7-14-2012

    Aimee: what do YOU need? So many people are there for you,so wonderful….but what do you need from us (people that you don’t know)? Prayers are a given, $ are a given….but is there anything else?

  160. 7-14-2012

    ‘I pray for her often, for her peace and continued improvement.

  161. 7-14-2012

    Aimee< andy and family. You have become a jajor inspiration to me.

    In 1960, as a 22 year-old Army officer, I broke my back and was paralyzed from the neck down. The doctors performed several opations, and I regained most upper body functions, but was told I would never walk again. My family and I prayed hard, and felt God had a purpose for me, and it was not in a wheelchair. 3 months later, I walked out of the hospital, wearing braces but upright.

    When I share my testimony, I ask eeryone to reach down, take hold of their chair, and try with all thier might to lift themselves off the floor-without using their legs. They say "that is impossible." I explain that it is similar to straining every day, hoping something will move. They get the point.

    Aimee, you and your family have been "adopted" by my wife and me. You are in our prayers several times a day. Your courage and determination are a blessing to everyone who reads about you. I remember my troops sneaking dumbbells into the hospital at night. to help me build arm strength.

    You have already touched many lives. God only seems to give big challenges to people He trusts to handle them. You are making a powerful difference, and that will only increase.

    God bless you and your dear family,

    ed johnson

  162. 7-14-2012

    I’m so relieved to know that you are getting help and support financially to make this transition for Aimee easier for her and for her entire family. There are so many changes ahead for Aimee and also through technology and science. Thank you for sharing Aimee’s story; what happens to Aimee means a great deal to me. Please lean over and give Aimee a warm hug from me.

  163. 7-14-2012

    Amy your faith and deteremination awe me ! I have watched your dads posts since the accident . i pray for you everyday and want you to know how much you have touch me . Keep strong and keep working on your rehab . Thinking of you and your wonderful family .

  164. 7-15-2012

    Dear Aimee and family,
    greetings and prayers from Germany to you! The LORD is going to use all that which may seem just one big obstacle for good, so that your efforts will serve a bigger plan. Probably in your praise of THE GREAT HELPER you will serve others with a similar experience.
    Today I read about a French amputee, who successfully swam from Gibraltar in Spain to Maroc (14 kilometres in little more than 5 hours). See:
    and see: (with picture; in German).
    Isn´t that encouraging? I think it is.
    God may bless you today and always! With love from Elke Widmann

    • 7-15-2012

      I heard about that. Thanks for posting a link. Aimee has been a bit stressed and sad this week (rehab has been very tough) and I mentioned this to her to help provide her some encouragement, but I had no specific details. Thank you for linking to it.


      • 7-17-2012

        Mr. Copeland, I was doing some research on some of these comments and you really need to look at the links below and google
        Merlyna Adams

        New Orleans resident Merlyna Adams lost all four limbs in 2008 due to septic shock.
        and look up this company..

        This is really some amazing stuff, Aimee would be encouraged with this information. I think it might let her know life can still be wonderful, show her the videos of the amazing technology to pick up her spirits. God Bless

  165. 7-15-2012

    I find it so rewarding and inspiring to read your updates about this life changing experience for your family. In this world where
    people teach children to look to movie stars and sports stars as examples and mentors, I believe we should be teaching then to look to people like Amiee and yourself. You are real people who have been through this horrible accident but you have seen GOD through this whole ordeal. I have been raised a christian and have a relationship with GOD but reading your blog has made me realize the true meaning of FAITH!

  166. 7-15-2012

    We are a dumpster rental company located in Lithonia, Ga.. We would be more than happy to donate the dumpsters needed for Aimee’s Wing. Please call us at 770-231-1881.

  167. 7-16-2012

    This message is destinated to Ken only.
    Please, do not share this information, with no-one!
    Dear Ken, if you want to know more about what’s behind Aimee’s
    recovery, coming from us, the GeneSys team, then you should ask CNN and SnellvilleToday to show you our messages they got.
    Please, pay attention to the dates these have been sent, and what’s in it. I do also welcome eventual questions you could have.
    ” Hereby, the GeneSys team and I authorise CNN and SnellvilleToday to show our mails to Ken, friend of Aimee Copeland. “

  168. 7-16-2012

    Andy, I’m keeping Amy in prayers and I’m always so happy read your blog. Without our faith in God, we have nothing. I really wanted to pass along a video that someone sent me awhile back. I don’t know how to post a link but if you put in “Nick Vujicic” in youtube, you can see all of them. You probably have heard of him by now but just in case you didn’t, he is incredibly inspirational. He has no arms and no legs and quite a message. I was showing it to my 6 year old who as born without a thumb or a radius so she could see that it is possible to do anything. I hope you get a chance to see it if you haven’t already.

  169. 7-16-2012

    Great job! Keep up the good work everyone. Any plans to potentially get a hand transplant on one or both hands? Apparently they have been very successful and are her best shot at a “normal life.” clearly she would have to recover more, but it is something to think about in the future. It is still experimental now, so it is actually free right now as part of a research study.
    Here’s the website:

    • 8-20-2012

      What I was pointing to with this ” possibility to provide new limbs ”
      goes far beyond hand-transplants. Beside the lost hands, there is also
      one missing foot and a full leg. What we need for the future is to be able to re-generate missing limbs right out of the persons DNA, right
      onto the persons body (make them grow again on the body). Only that way perfect copies of the originals can be made.
      Are you still there ” Ellen “?

  170. 7-16-2012

    I have followed your story since the first day. You are truly an inspiration to me! Continue to stay strong!

  171. 7-16-2012

    I was at the USO in Denver yesterday and I saw a gentleman with two prosthetic hands texting on his phone. Tell Aimee to hang in there, it will be a long tough road but soon she will also be texting on her phone.

  172. 7-16-2012

    God bless Aimee and the whole family.
    You are true example of courage, inspiration, motivation, dedication, determination and commitment. You have truely inspired lot of people and Im sure lot of lives have changed for good.
    My prayers and best wishes are with you Aimee.

  173. 7-16-2012

    I think of Aimee a lot. I had the same thing 2 years ago. To save my life I had to be lifeflighted to another hospital for my surgery. I said I do not fly Dr told me I might not live if I went by ambaulance. So I left God take care of me. Thanks to God and great Drs. I am here today. Aimee still has a ways to go hang in there keep your faith.

  174. 7-16-2012

    God bless you all such amazing progress. It brings happy tears to my own eyes every time I see a news story about her. I will continue to pray for her!

  175. 7-17-2012

    Hi Aimee,

    I have been following your story since Day One. I am in awe as to your progress; first praying for your survival day after day, then praying for your peace within and continued blessings upon you and your family. I have 3 daughters, and cannot imagine such a life-changing event in our lives. I would not call it a tragedy, but rather a revelation in your life!
    God has very specific plans for your life! You are especially chosen by Him for your strengths and abilities! One is not in their full capacity in life and within God’s will until one is in the position that God planned for you! It was pre-ordained, and when you are able to navigate again, (and you will), you will be a great inspiration to all you touch!
    As our Lord said, when asked about the blind man whom Jesus healed, “Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him” (John 9:3 KJV).
    This is you, Aimee! God is working miracles in your life! What an oppurtunity God has given you to reveal His works and grace, manifest through you!!
    God bless you and your great family, and may He give you all the strength to overcome this detour in your walk with God! I will continue in prayers for you all!! I feel sorry and pray for those who do not and never will understand all this!!

    Love in Christ,

  176. 7-17-2012

    She is the most inspiring person I know on Earth!

  177. 7-17-2012

    I am truly inspired by Aimee’s positive spirit and courageous determination. She is a role model for us all!


  178. 7-17-2012

    Hi Dear Aimee and Family,
    I have seen the struggles our your ordeal and wish you and yours only the best!!! I do not know the extent of your amputations to your leg. However, my father lost his right leg above the knee. I have two artificial legs; one is the fancy C leg. If you could use either of these please let me know and I will send them to you. Of course, you would have to be fitted to them if they are appropriate.
    Hugs and Prayers,
    Janice Maddox

  179. 7-17-2012

    Good evening,I have followed your family and Aimee’s story on one of the morning shows. I am touched by your family’s love for one another and the support of your daughter. I am sure Aimee realizes how fortunate she is. Nevertheless, just in case Aimee hasn’t seen it, please review the following and determine if it would help her: If the link does not work, please go to Youtube and query Nick Vujicic and view the 1:58:51 length version of No Arms No Legs No Worries. I hope she finds inspiration as I have. God Bless you all, Daniel

  180. 7-17-2012

    aimee and andy,
    we pray for you from all the way up here in arkansas. god has something in store for you when you heal up and its possible you don’t know what that time is or what it is, yet. always follow your heart and gods direction.
    steve & skeeter “my staffordshire terrier and best friend”

  181. 7-18-2012

    I had previously heard of Aimee’s story but not until today did I see her (your) website. My heart is so stirred to read of her courage and faith. Please be assured my prayers are with her every single day from here on out. My son went through a period of four years where he underwent 20 surgeries on his kidney/ureter and was left with debilitating pain. Prayers and support of family and friends got us through. We are in this journey with you. Lean on us when the days are tough and know that we are lifting you and Aimee up to our Heavenly Father, who knows He could entrust her with this incredibly difficult challenge and that she would come out victorious in the end. “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12.
    One of my favorite stories now is told by Mark Hall of Casting Crowns. He tells of a child who is street-side at a Santa parade and can only see the float in front of her. She grows frustrated
    because she wants to know how many floats are left before Santa arrives at the end. Her father takes her up to the roof of the building where she can see the parade from start to finish. Likewise, our big God knows exactly just how many floats there are in our parade of life. He’s on top of the building and can see the parade from beginning to end. He has arranged those floats perfectly and hopefully we can trust Him and enjoy/learn from the floats that come before us.

    Keep running the race Aimee. You are so incredibly special. Your rewards will be great some day sweet girl.

    God bless all of you!

    Dawn Miller

  182. 7-18-2012

    Dear Andy
    My name is Mike St.Onge and I too am a quad amputee. I’m sure you are surrounded by great people and my not need my advice, but I would like to offer any assistance I could. I have an ADL powerpoint that I can send you (email or reg mail). In it I cover the 3 basics of cleaning, dressing, and feeding yourself as well as plenty of “tips”. I’ve been this way for over 12yrs and travel the country lecturing to professionals (OT/PT, Docs/Prosthetist) as well as new amputees.
    Again, if I can be of help please feel free to contact me.

  183. 7-18-2012

    Hi Aimee,

    I just wanted to check in and say “hi” to you. I am so glad that Aimee’s Wing is being built for you!! It must be near completion by now. What a blessing that will be when it’s finished.

    I trust that everything is going as planned in rehab. I know that it’s got to be rough at times which is why I continually pray for you every day. I wanted to share another scripture verse with you. You probably already know it, but it’s another one of my favorite verses. Romans 8:28 says, “For all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” What a wonderful promise that is!! Every one of us needs to remember it on a daily basis although I have to admit that I sometimes wonder if things really are going to work out for my good. God always keeps His promises, though, so I know that He will keep this one, too.

    The weather here in northeastern Vermont has been downright humid for several days now. I’m so thankful that I have an air conditioner in my apartment. According to the latest weather forecasts, it is supposed to be cooling down here shortly. Boy, do I ever hope so!!

    I will send you another message soon. You take good care of yourself, Aimee, and remember that even though it’s sometimes hard to keep looking up, God is always looking down!!

    In Christian love,

  184. 7-19-2012

    Dear Precious Aimee, “YOU ARE AWESOME”!!!!! Thanks to your GREAT LOVING DAD for always taking time out of his busy schedule and keeping us up to date with your progress. Also, a special Thank You to Pulte Homes for your wonderful help in “Aimees Wing”.
    Aimee, you keep up the hard work sweetie, it will all pay off… God is on your side…
    I hope that my husband and I will be there at your first speeking engagment when you tell everyone about everything you’ve been through, and you share all of your accomplishments with us. I know that you will be booked all over the world to give uplifting motivational speeches. God has a special plan for your life Aimee.
    You are precious and an inspiration to all… Keep up the good work!

    Carolyn & Al Johnson

  185. 7-20-2012

    I join many in believing as prayers goes up, blessing comes down! Like Aimee I too experienced a life-changing situation where i thought my surgical infection would stop wrecking havoc on my body. After enduring seven painful surgeries in a two month period the madness finally subsided. Even though it left my body permanently disfigured and disable to work , I am still alive. This condition evolve from Breast Cancer early stages (0 &1) I never thought anyone would ever understand what this life altering crisis would be like, but was mistaken. Amy has gone through much worst (I never thought i would be saying this) but it’s true. Today, I am a National Fundraiser Director, making positive differences in my back door. I help organizations and individuals raise $5000 – $100,000+ in 60 days at no cost to them. I would like to extend my services to Aimee’s friends, families, associates etc .who would like to conduct a very easy fundraising campaign in Aimee’s honor. All proceeds goes directly to Aimee and her family. My contact information is: or 678.632.5131. This is an excellent way for Aimee friends, & families who wants’ to help but don’t know what or how to do a very profitable fundraiser in a short time period. This campaign is so much FUN! This is what I do in a way to “Give Back” to my community and the many people who help me get through a terrifying, shocking, unpredictable any yet preventable encounter. Remember God will never forsake you and he is real! This I know to be true and so do you!

  186. 7-21-2012

    Hi Aimee, hope your day is going well today :-). I posted last week about the Olympics, and so today I am sending you a link to an advert that is playing in London at the mo that I thought you might be interested in. it’s called ‘Meet the Superhumans’ I know you guys wont get to see tv footage of the paralympics in the US, but there will be lots of footage on YouTube and probably some of my own shaky camera work from the athletics – I am almost ready to pop with excitement and so I recommend a watch when it comes on if you are a sports fan (obviously you may hate watching sports so apologies if I am boring you with this, lol!). Anyhoo, wishing you a great day and sending you love and light, Fiona C, London

  187. 7-22-2012

    I think of, and thank ????/YHWH for, you and your family often. May His richest blessing, favor, comfort, encouragement, peace and prosperity continue to be poured out on and through you by His Son’s mediation and intercession.

  188. 7-23-2012

    Mr. Copeland-
    I just wanted to tell you and your family how encouraging it is to see your faith in God guide you through this. I can’t say I’ve ever been faced with something like this, and being a 24 year old student myself whose faith in God is strong I can only hope I would have the courage and strength like Aimee has. Please tell her she is in everyone’s thoughts and prayers.. people like me who don’t even know her. God Bless your family!

    -Dawn in WI

  189. 7-24-2012

    Dear Mr. Copeland,

    I followed the story of your daughter & family on the news because it was hopeful, real & so moving. I pray everyday for the healing of Aimee.

    Now it has become personal. Today I pray I’m reaching the right place. My mother’s dear friend & long-time friend of our family has been diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis :(( She’s much older than your daughter & I could really use some hope right now. You became knowledgeable because you had to. What can I do? I don’t want to lose her!

    Thanks and Blessings,

    • 7-29-2012

      I can only hope that they caught her situation early. Aimee’s situation progressed for over 48 hours before they caught it. Early detection is the key. I will be praying for your friend. Never discount the power of prayer – that alone was the most important single factor that helped save Aimee.

  190. 7-24-2012

    I saw that the site aimeecopeland-dot-org is accepting PayPal donations. Is this an official fund for Aimee or is someone trying to benefit from her situation? I used the whois lookup, and the site is registered to someone in Quebec. Just wanted to let you know.

    • 7-29-2012

      This website is the official website. It is, not If you visit the blog page, there is a link to PayPal there. We are extremely grateful for any contributions that will be used to better Aimee’s living conditions and assure her the best possible health care.

      Thank you for your concerns.


      • 7-29-2012

        Andy, if is not forwarding the money donated to your family, please contact law enforcement to have them shut down. It is sick that someone would try to profit from another’s injuries, illness, etc. In a recent friend-of-a-friend’s situation, someone that they did not know took pictures from their website about their adoption journey and used the pictures to say that the child had cancer – and had thousands of dollars donated that they pocketed. Law enforcement had to get involved to shut the con-artists down. The adoptive parents were not able to accomplish this without law enforcement.

        Many blessings to you and your family. We are continuing to pray for you all.

      • 7-29-2012

        Thank you for the heads up on this. I have not been contacted by anyone at I don’t know who runs it nor do I know what bank account their PayPal account is linked to. I truly appreciate you bringing this to my attention.

      • 8-1-2012

        There’s an Aimee Copeland page on Facebook that links to the website. I hope someone is not trying to benefit from the your daughter’s tragedy.

      • 8-2-2012

        Thanks Sean. I am aware of the website. It actually links to the Paypal account on this website. I have exchanged emails with the site owner and I am confident that he is legitimately trying to help Aimee. Thanks again for your concern.

  191. 7-24-2012

    Dear Mr. Copeland ,

    I am on vacation and for some reason I thought about your daughter and decided to go online and see if there was any updates on her health – so I found your blog. Thank you for sharing and I send positive energies and live to you all and especially for Aimee.

  192. 7-25-2012

    I am so proud of your families love and I will continue to pray for your beautiful in and out healing… I just want to share with you a mag. called Discover an issue July/Aug 2011 Pioneer Dr.Stephen Badylak he is working on treatments that would allow patients to regrow entire limbs. I felt so lead to share this info and I know that where the mind goes the body will follow…

    In God we trust and All things are possible and don’t limit God…miracles all the way for you and your beautiful daughter God Bless you with the biggest HUG!

    Always, Kathryn

  193. 7-26-2012

    Amiee, I hope you are doing well. I hope you know how much you are now giving to the whole world by your strength. Miki

  194. 7-27-2012

    Hi, Andy. Just to let you know a lot of us out here are thinking of Amy and hoping she’s coming along well.

  195. 7-29-2012

    I would like to wish the best for Aimee and the Copeland family. Aimee is truly a blessing and a wonderful inspiration to everyone. Thoughts & prayers for Aimee and the Copeland family! Keep up the good work, Aimee!!!!!!! ..Love, Strength and Determination shall conquer all.

    Laurie K.
    Marietta, GA

  196. 8-4-2012

    I don’t know if Aimee has heard of this athlete, but if anyone can forward this article, I think she would be inspired:–oly.html
    Also, there’s an old TV movie based on a true story called “Quiet Victory,” which is still one of my favorites.

    My hand has been useless for 25 years after a biking accident, and by far my greatest challenge has been taking care of my babies, but the Lord gave me Luke 6:9, and I know He has a plan.

  197. 8-4-2012

    This is very tragic however she was 24 common sense tells you not to try a homemade zip line obviously it was kinda sketchy to begin with so, i can’t have too much sympathy

    • 8-24-2012

      Really? You really posted that??? While I am praising God for Aimee’s continued healing I will be adding you to my prayers to have a softened heart. Didn’t your mom teach you that if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all? My goodness. You should be ashamed.

      Aimee, you are truly remarkable young lady who has amazed me with your journey. God’s speed be with you and your family!!

  198. 8-6-2012

    Mr. Copeland –

    I first heard about Aimee’s accident and subsequent fight for her life while deployed to Afghanistan. Whenever I had the opportunity to read the news, I checked out any updates on her condition. Your daughter displayed so much strength and courage throughout her fight, as I am sure she continues to do. I just wanted to let you know, and I hope you pass on to Aimee, that she is this Marine’s hero.

  199. 8-8-2012

    Aimee, I had the exact same type of nec fasc. 3 yrs ago and lost my dominant Right arm up to my shoulder. I fell fracturing my elbow and somehow the strep pyogenes got into the fracture site. I was an RN at the time and now am disabled. I believe, like you, that this is my time to metamorphisize into my next stage of my life. I pray for you and think of you often. Life is not always what YOU had planned but rather what HE has planned. My goal is to be a motivational speaker and to volunteer at the ICU area of the hospital. The road ahead will have bumps, as mine still does but, YOU ARE ALIVE! Few people understand that feeling. I would love to talk or communicate with you when you can. I’m not sure how to contact you directly or even if you’d like to.Hang in there. I hope to speak with you! Aim high Aimee! Rhonda

  200. 8-9-2012

    hows Amy ? love to see new pics , would like too see how she’s doing…

  201. 8-10-2012

    Andy,Aimee & Copeland,
    My family prays for you every day as we know the pain you are going thru. My Niece Ashley Warner is a survivor of the same Flesh Eating bacteria she contracted thru an appendectomy when she was 15 in 2004-2005 and has had 67 surgeries to date. Since the day Ashley heard about Aimee her dream has been to meet Aimee. We understand there is a bike ride in Villa Rica, GA on Sept 22nd (the day before Ashley’s birthday) in Aimee’s honor and we are trying to make arrangement with Ronnie Capes to allow Ashley to meet Aimee, of course with your blessings.

    These two young ladies have so much in common and I think it will be amazing for the two of them meet, I know for Ashley it will be a glorious day and perhaps our Ashley can give inspiration to Aimee. When someone goes thru such pain as these two have done something happens to them inside and they shine with light and make us all realize what is important in life. People like Aimee and Ashley make us better people and I think they are two of the strongest people on earth.

    Until then our family keeps your family close at heart and in prayer. Please tell your precious Aimee to keep on fighting but to remember the Lord has her in his hands and Angel wings are wrapped around her for comfort.
    God bless you and your family.

  202. 8-23-2012

    I prayed for Aimee the minute I read about her and put a link on my facebook page. We all just prayed and prayed that she would live and were so happy to hear of her first signs of recovery. May God continue to bless Aimee and her family with healing, love, provision, and the abundant life you all have ahead of you. I hope to see many news updates on Aimee in the years ahead as God reveals HIS perfect plan for her and her family. (NIV)
    Jeremiah 38:
    15 But what can I say?
    He has spoken to me, and he himself has done this.
    I will walk humbly all my years
    because of this anguish of my soul.
    16 Lord, by such things people live;
    and my spirit finds life in them too. You restored me to health and let me live.
    17 Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish.
    In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction;
    you have put all my sins behind your back.

  203. 8-27-2012

    The house is so beautiful and I hope Aimee is enjoying her new wing along with the other renovations. May God continue to bless Aimee,Paige,Mr. and Mrs. Copeland.

  204. 9-11-2012

    You are amazing, if nothing else just know that on your quitest days. God bless you and the beautiful family you have.

  205. 10-1-2012

    Hi Aimee,

    I read about your story in the spanish media and was moved and inspired by your strength. That smile as you leaved the hospital building just said it all: you are just one of a kind. You are example for many of us who find it hard to get up when things don’t go as we had hoped. Continue with your studies, you’ll definitely make one fine psychologist. I wish you the best of luck.

  206. 10-3-2012

    Dear Mr. Copeland, As I am writing this to you it is taking me sometime and it is typing slow, so therefore I shall be forever thankful and blessed that I have fingers to type this! I am so grateful that you have such a courageous and dedicated daughter- Aimee- to fight to win her phycical battle to rehabilitation- may God heal her inside and out is my prayer for her and give her much strength, patience and faith as she climbs her mountain and reaches to the top of her every goal! God Bless you Amiee, Mr. and Mrs. Copeland and your family as you continue on your very courageous journey in life. In God’s precious Love- Jules

  207. 8-24-2013

    Aimee looks not only so beautiful but also so strong..

    GO AIMEE you are an angel,
    wish you overcome this and have a long happy life

    love from istanbul

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