Posted by on May 24, 2012 in ANDY'S BLOG WITH UPDATES | 143 comments

How many of you have ever worked yourselves into total exhaustion?

Most of us take a break when we get tired. If we are working outside, we rest under a shade tree and quaff down some ice water. Our breathing gradually slows, our heart rate decreases and our body cools. Then it’s back to work again.

But what if your breath itself was a major task?

Take away the outdoor setting, remove the shade tree and the ice water, insert a hospital bed and a critically ill young lady. Although she is still critical, this young lady has finally stabilized to the point that she has not needed any ventilator assistance for over twenty-four hours. She is working hard for every breath and the doctors are aiding her by giving her heart medicine that can make it work stronger and better to help her continue to heal her lungs. Each breath is a victory. Each heart beat is a cause for celebration. When she opens her eyes, that is like a ticker tape parade down Broadway. When she mouths words, angelic hosts rejoice.

That is what each moment is like for us.

What helps Aimee more than anything is her continued steadfastness to stay ahead of schedule. When the doctors set the bar height, she raises it. She is determined to break records and her effort is beyond Olympian. Case in point – Yesterday Aimee and her mother shared the following dialogue:

“Hey Aimee, how are you feeling this morning?” Donna asked.

“Fine,” Aimee mouthed. “Where’s my treat?”

Oops, the treat. Please allow me to digress slightly.

The night before, Aimee slept through most of our visit. We tried talking to her, but she kept her eyes closed and sometimes softly nodded in response to questions. When visiting hour ended, Donna turned to the nurse and said, “I really appreciate everything y’all have done. I’m going to bring a treat for all of you tomorrow night.”

I was standing at the door when Donna said this. I had de-gowned and I was waiting on Donna to join me. To my surprise, guess who raised her head up and flashed her saucer-sized eyes? Yep, you guessed it. Not only did Aimee raise her head and survey us with those beautiful eyes, she was mouthing something. I couldn’t read her lips and I had de-gowned, so I couldn’t get close, but I was concerned. Was she in pain? What could possibly be wrong?

Donna and Nurse Angela translated the movement of Aimee’s lips to say, “I want a treat!”

We all roared with laughter. We’d been there all night stroking her hair, rubbing her arm, whispering in her ear and she slept through it all. Mention a treat and it’s wakey, wakey time.

Keep in mind that the night visit ends at 9:30pm and by the time you roll out of the parking lot, it’s 9:45pm. When you’ve spent thirteen hours at the hospital, you really don’t think about shopping when you leave. Your thoughts are focused on finding a soft pillow on which to lay your head.

Fast forward back to the “Where’s my treat?” of Tuesday morning.

“I didn’t have a chance to get it honey,” Donna replied apologetically.

Aimee nodded understandingly. Her memory appears to be pretty good, if not selective, even in spite of the medication that sometimes makes her forget. Another thing Aimee doesn’t forget is her dogged determination.

Donna watched as Aimee mouthed a series of words.

“I want to go out in the hall. Will you take me?”

“In the hall? Where?”

“With the nurse.” Aimee mouthed.

“Honey, how am I going to get you out there?”

“Pick me up and carry me!” Aimee was adamant. How hard could it be?

“Honey, you have wires and tubes coming out of your body. I just can’t pick you up,” Donna explained as a thought flashed through her head. She told Aimee to wait and she walked outside to the nurse.

“Can Aimee sit up in a chair?”

Nurse Rebecca blinked. This development was unexpected. Normally the doctors prescribe “sitting up”. Seldom does a patient request it.

“If we’re going to do it, this is the best possible time. I will call the doctor,” Nurse Rebecca said as she grabbed the phone. This was the best time because the doctors decided to take Aimee off dialysis for a trial run to see how she responded. She was also off of the ventilator. Although the lines running to her body were many, there were fewer to hassle with than there were thirty-six hours prior.

When we returned at noon, guess who was out of bed, sitting up in a chair and beaming from ear-to-ear? Actually, it wasn’t as much a beam as it was a grimace.

“I’m hot!” Aimee fussed. Hey, she’s earned the privilege to fuss all she wants. She begged me to remove the towel from her legs. She was running a slight temperature, probably from the exertions of getting up into the chair. Nurse Rebecca calmed us and said it was nothing to worry about. She had given Aimee some meds to bring the temperature down.

On Tuesday we had a nice treat for Aimee. Nashville recording artist Corey Durkin had brought his guitar and Aimee was going to get a private concert. Corey, a very talented performer from Connecticut, had penned a tune for Aimee called “Southern Belle” and he had offered to come play it for her. Aimee was not disappointed and neither was anyone else within listening distance. Corey played all his originals, each with nice chord transitions and soft, smooth vocals that enunciated thoughtful lyrics. His first few tunes drew the nurses close and we all responded with applause. The nurses eventually retreated back to their duties, but even then the patients in the neighboring rooms said they enjoyed the musical respite.

Aimee certainly enjoyed it. Just before Corey began his set, he asked Aimee how she was doing.

“They won’t let me leave!” Aimee mouthed with her eyebrows raised in dismay. This made us all laugh. I told Aimee to relax. During the first song, she forgot about her temperature, she forgot about her lack of mobility and she settled into a peaceful semi-slumber. Music is like that. Whether we are playing CDs or the iPod shuffle sent by Eddie in Pittsburgh (thanks Eddie, she really loves the tunes and I have another reason to love Pittsburgh, which is one of my favorite cities) the calming effect of music is undeniable and significant.

Before you guitarists start packing your guitars and heading for Augusta, I have to stop you now. I have played guitar for nearly forty years and I am not serenading my daughter in the hospital room. She has a lot of friends who play, but she’s heard them play before. I know she loves them and their music, but Corey is a special talent who graciously offered his time and music. I have to add that Aimee loved Corey’s tunes. He even added a nice Jack Johnson tune to his impressive original lineup. Great stuff.

When Corey finished with ‘Southern Belle’, Aimee was fighting to keep her eyes open. It was as if her eyelids had weight/spring attachments. She struggled against the weights as her eyelids slowly descended. When they touched down, the springs bumped them back up and revealed her lovely eyes. This process repeated itself as Aimee desperately fought to maintain her alertness throughout the soothing tune.

When Corey finished, Aimee mouthed off a series of words. Corey looked at me for an interpretation. I caught the words on the first pass.

“Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart!” Aimee’s eyes provided the exclamation point. “I really, really appreciate it!”

I told Aimee I had something to give Corey from her and I turned and gave Corey a big hug. Aimee smiled and nodded. She really liked that.

Corey and I floated out of the ICU. Seeing Aimee smile like that did our hearts good. I think Corey now understands the faith, hope and love that we feel as a family. The fact is, Corey is now a part of that circle.

When the doctors put Aimee up in that chair, their expectations were to give her an hour. Five hours later, Aimee decided it was time to lie down. Had she been running an Olympic marathon, I think Aimee would have experienced a record-breaking, gold-medal moment.

I want to conclude by establishing a clear statement of exactly why I am sharing so much about our family values and about Aimee’s miraculous healing and her continued recovery. There needs to be no doubt that the blood of Jesus Christ is the foundation of our faith. It is through this faith that Aimee lives today. It also needs to be understood that the power of prayer is at work in our lives and that the prayers of millions have powered Aimee’s recovery. I believe that it is my duty as Aimee’s father to share our testimony of faith, love and hope and demonstrate through our testimony that God is alive. He provides miracles, but we have to ask for those miracles and have faith that he will intercede for those who appear hopeless. I pray that God’s name will be glorified and that His power will be magnified, through which ultimately our blessings will be multiplied.


  1. 5-24-2012

    please email back… did you get my urgent email… regarding alkalizing her body and blood… I don’t see it on the page… Thanks.

    • 5-29-2012

      Andy, I hope your family keeps getting good news. I understand how hard it can get. My Wife Sharon contracted NF, Jan 3, 2003 and woke up over 4 months later missing half her torso on her left side. She spent another 4 months in the hospital and one year in a hospital bed at home, enduring 38 surgeries. But, I feel lucky she is still here, even though she still suffers from all the after effects. We are permenate guardians of three children and I know they were and are a sorce of strength to her. If there is anything we can do, ask, and we will help if we can. Gary Boutin. Salem NH

  2. 5-24-2012

    Thank you so much for your outspoken praise for the Lord and his Healing hand on Aimee. So many think we are just floating along on a random road left to chance and good Karma. So many are watching your family and they are getting the Gospel of Jesus in undiluted doses coming from your pen Mr. Copeland. May you and your family continue to reap abundant blessings from your boldness. Love and prayers coming your way continuously!

  3. 5-24-2012

    I have followed this story Aimee’s story since the first day and want to thank you for sharing your family with all of us. It is a true testament to the miracles of family and God’s faith. May her recovery continue to proceed with leaps and bounds. God Bless you all. Jennifer

  4. 5-24-2012

    Andy, I have been following Aimee’s journey and I am always praying for not only her, but also for you and your wife. I pray that God continues to give you the peace that surpasses all understanding! Love you guys!

  5. 5-24-2012

    I cannot even begin to fathom the fear and frustration that you have experienced, as a parent. But I can appreciate the powerful faith that you have been so persistant in sharing with your readers, and how it has helped you survive on this long journey that you have ahead of you. Thank you for being willing to allow us to have this glimpse into your lives and the strong will and resolve of Aimee. Know that hundreds and thousands of people all across the United States and around the world are lifting all of you in prayer!!
    May God continue to surround you with His Grace, His Power, His love and His Miraculous Healing Touch!!!

  6. 5-24-2012

    Been following Aimee’s progress from the very beginning and am so glad you now have a great blog dedicated to her miraculous recovery and brilliant disposition through it all. She’s inspirational. Even for those with no issues at all. Hugs from North Georgia.

  7. 5-24-2012

    Your words as a father speak volumes of Love for your daughter, family and Christ it is a replica of . Its when I’m at work here at Doctors knowing I’m so close to you and your family, Its so very hard to compose myself when reading your updated blog. Its tear jerking that’s for sure, one thing I know for sure in all of this is the Power of Prayer, Its is Strong and has been at points here very Overwhelming. Please know my prayers are with you and your family. God Is Great!!

  8. 5-24-2012

    Andy, you inspire me as a parent. You speak of your daughter the way the I pray every father loves their daughter. My family has followed Aimee’s story from day one and there has been many inspirational lessons learned. Please know that our belief that God chose you and your family to endure this unimaginable journey is because He knew that you were the man to deliver the message of hope, devotion and love to the world. Our prayers are with you all daily, hourly and each and every moment! God bless you and keep the faith and continue to let God be God!

  9. 5-24-2012

    Andy – no need to apologize for not providing timely updates. Thank you so much for your thoughful posts which show your heart and your love for Jesus and in turn the love he has for all of us. He lived and then died for us and he cares so much for you and your family. Eternity is such a long time and we are praying and believing Aimee will pull through this. GOD Bless you and your family and may many years be added to your lives.

  10. 5-24-2012

    Please know that you are in the thoughts and prayers and an inspiration to so many. I have followed your family’s story since it was first shared on the internet. I have shared the story with many friends as you all are on my mind daily. My brother had an accident over two years ago. He too lost his leg. His life and that of our family will never be the same but…we have all seen God’s work from the moment my brother had that accident. God was in control right from the beginning and we are all very aware of all that he has done and how he has touched us in so many positive ways as well as so many others through our experience. May God continue to bless you through this difficult time and give you the ability to look back and see all that he did for each of you!

  11. 5-24-2012

    Mr. Andy:

    Hello, your blog is filled with such love. I’m Kristen from Carrollton and I worked with Aimee at Blue Steakhouse. I just wanted you and your family to know from day one of finding out I have prayed for a speedy recovery for Aimee. She is just a very open hearted and beautiful woman inside and out and whenever I was having a bad day Aimee would make me laugh, cheer me up and let me know everything would be okay. Please if you get the opportunity and see this to tell her that I will not stop praying for her and you all in your family and that I love and miss her. From the bottom of my heart, I know God is in control of the situation and is looking over her and will continue! God bless you all.

  12. 5-24-2012

    This is such an amazing abundance of courage and humor and faith all bundled up into one person. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
    My thoughts and prayers are with Aimiee and with your family.

    May the peace of God be with you all.

  13. 5-24-2012

    It has been amazing to follow your experience with your daughter. I want to thank you for sharing your faith with the world. It is inspiring to so many. I know first hand how my faith in God has helped me through many years of illness. God is still a God of miracles and healing. I will continue to pray for your strength and that your daughter’s healing will continue. God bless.

  14. 5-24-2012

    Hi I am from Saskatchewan Canada. Thank you for all of your posts. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you all and may He continue to keep you all safe and continue to give you all strength. He has called Aimee for a very special purpose and I have no doubt that she is going to be a wonderful role model for so many as she already is!

  15. 5-24-2012

    I’ve also been following Aimee’s special journey from the beginning. I check several times each day for a “real” update that is accurate. What a tremendous blessing and very special gift Corey Durkin gave her! Obviously, he’s got a huge heart of compassion that especially reflects what the world is feeling for “our dear Aimee.” He sees she’s a very SPECIAL young woman with big things in store for her, in her life. So often, life doesn’t take the roads we expect. This is what I call a “speed bump” in the living of our lives. I’m not at all meaning to be trivial with what Aimee has been, and is still going through! It’s a fact to so many who are following her progress that she is destined for very important things and the world is watching her progress. Many special and loving (((HUGS))) for “Our Aimee!!!” from Huntsville, Alabama. We’re all cheering for you, Aimee!!! Find comfort in knowing this fact.

  16. 5-24-2012

    Dear Aimee: we are so happy that, hopefully, the very worst is now behind you, and you can look forward to reclaiming your life and all the glorious promise that the future holds for you.

  17. 5-24-2012

    Andy, please tell Aimee that so many of us have been sending her tremendous amounts of healing energy. There is POWER in this, and there is so much POWER in ALL of our prayers, not only for her recovery, but for her very important calling, her purpose in this life! Again… she has become “Our Aimee!!!”

  18. 5-24-2012

    Between Amy and your family and Travis Mills and his family, it is daily Spiritual growth for me. How you all keep on keeping on is a tribute to the sustaining power of the Lord. You inspire me and are daily in my prayers. Your Amy has a bright future because of her faith and her family. Thank you for sharing her progress. It is so beautiful to watch God at work!

  19. 5-24-2012

    Dear Andy and family. I do not know you but I wish I did because you are what faith and love of God is about. Everyday I check to see if there are updates on Aimee and every single time the news has just gotten better. I truly believe that God is holding Aimee in His arms and creating a miracle for her and your family. I will not stop praying until Aimee is well and your family is healed. Aimee and your family has touched my heart and millions of others as well. God bless Aimee who is a fighter and a miracle and and an angel on earth and may God Bless your family,

  20. 5-24-2012

    I have been listening to your daughters miraculous updates daily and also reading your blog as you post. I can’t imagine what Aimee and her family are experiencing, but I do want you to know that I am praying daily for Aimee and her family, as are many others! May God continue to bless! Sometimes I wonder why God allows such devastating things happen to His people, but I know we aren’t suppose to have all the answers! We just need to continue to pray for one another!

  21. 5-24-2012

    Andy and Donna, Thank you so very much for sharing Aimee’s Story and her miraculous progress! Praise the Lord for answering the prayers of so many. You don’t know me, or I you, I have followed Amiee’s story from the beginning and have continued to pray daily for her recovery. The Lord knits our hearts together through prayer. I continue to pray, not only for Aimee’s full recovery but also for your strength as well.

    • 5-28-2012

      All I can say is AMEN!!!

  22. 5-24-2012

    Hi from Steve in Pinehurst NC…this whole thing has made me rethink life itself and I am making plans to restructure my life so I can be an active donor financially…its awfully hard to enjoy a round of golf or other temporary pleasures while Aimee is going thru this..anyway keep the faith!

  23. 5-24-2012

    I would like to volunteer for the June 15/16 on the Snellville Towne Green, Snellville, GA. Who should I contact?


  24. 5-24-2012

    I look forward to your update of Aimee and the smiles you bring with your amazing stories. Having four daughters I often imagine what it would be like if I was in your situation as a parent. Your family strengh is beautiful and seeing God work miricles through Aimee is a power message to all. My family and I continue to send prayers and positive thoughts to Aimee. I wish more people understood that we cannnot always plan what will happen in our lives but we can have enough faith to make it through anything.

  25. 5-25-2012

    I’ve been following Aimee’s story from the beginning, and have been praying for her as well as for you, Donna, and Paige. I’m blown away (and personally encouraged) by your eloquent and unswerving faith in our good God in all of this, and am convinced that He is carefully holding her (and all of you) in His omnipotent, loving hand. Thank you for your willingness to share this deeply personal journey with the world, and for your boldness in letting the reality of a risen Christ speak through you. Prayers continue!

  26. 5-25-2012

    MAY 24 TH 2012
    Hi its wonderful what you our doing Andy on this Site and before this site letting us all know how everything is going for Aimee. I hope you all will stay by heer side and I know you will. Last year I had 4 Doctors tell me My husband was gonna die we have been Married for 38 Years This was very, very hard for me to go thru. He was in The Hospitial for 31 Days. he had a Ulcer that blew up in his Intestine. It was Horrible. We had no idea he had this Ulcer. Out of that 31 Days he was in ICU for 2 Weeks and in a Coma, Me and my Kids would talk to him all the time. Once in a great while he would open his eyss and just stare, and then he somtimes would just keep staring at me.We told him he could Fight real hard for me and the Kids and our grand kids and Great Grandkids to.The Chaplin at the Hospitial said she couldn,t believe the Love we all had for each other that it was something special. We all kept talking to him. We believe thats what helped him to still be here, He went thru a Lot when this happened to him. He had a second Operation in Dec of 2011 for his Hernia, it was really growing in him caused from the Surgery they said. It got as Big as a Cantouple, they had to operate to push it back in him. He first went into the hospital on May 3 rd, 2011 his Birthday was may 7 th so he was in there over his Birthday. We our very, very glad to have him, He even surprised the 4 Doctors that thought he was not gonna make it, but he did.He was very Critical.He was 66 Years old when he was in the Hospitial when his Birthday took place. This was very, very hard to go threw this. We all hope Aimee will be okay. Our Prayers and our Thoughts our with all of Aimee,s Family and all of her Friends to.
    Sincerley mrs Tony Sammons and Family
    Sincerley Mrs Tony Sammons and Family

    • 5-25-2012

      Sorry for any Misspelling. Thanks. Please let Aimee know we our thinking of her all the time, want her to get better. Sorry for my Two Names below, should have just been one name.She has been threw so much and still will have more to have to go threw yet. We our so, so Sorry this has happened to her. To All Of Aimees, Family and Friends you our all Wonderful. Just keep up what you have been doing and being with Aimee all you can be. Cause Family is every thing. I sure do know that. Cause i Lost My Mom in a Tragic car wreck cause of a 20 year old Drunk Driver. Then 3 Years later I was one month from being 19 Yeras old and I Lost My Dad when his Brakes failed on his Logging Truck. He was only 40 Years old and My Mom was only 35 years. Then 7 Years ago I lost my Only Sister from Lung Cancer it was inoperable. So I am so glad you all our so close. Hope Aimee gets better real soon.
      Mrs Tony Sammons and Family
      P.S. When my Husband was in the Hospitial all of the Doctors seeing him where Great and the Nurses to. So all of you out there Love Your love ones while you can.
      Sincerley Mrs Tony Sammons And Family

  27. 5-25-2012

    Aimee, I remember quite well the experence of trying to get out of
    bed the first time. I felt like a wet noodle. Progess will come in baby steps, the first major accomplisment will be when everything is all healed up. Eat more protiens,splurge on treats cause you
    deserve them. You have a long row to hoe but there’s a whole bunch of believers cheering for your determination to carry on.
    Lifting up praises and thanking Him for the precious gift of your life. John and Karen

  28. 5-25-2012

    Aimee is so strong, seriously I am in awe of her strength. I hope she continues to improve each day. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about her and head straight to your blog updates. I don’t even know her but reading about her and looking at her pictures and seeing what she is all about was all I needed. She is a wonderful human being and I want her to be able to enjoy her family and friends for a long time to come. And she has a great family as well, she is very lucky in that aspect.

  29. 5-25-2012

    Thank you for the updates on Aimee. I know I say her name as if I know her personally. She is in my thoughts and prayers daily. I to lived in Snellville and have children. My positive thoughts surround your family. I know we don’t ask why, so I won’t. Aimee has a venture ahead of her and something tells me it will bring others closer to God. She is a radiant beautiful lady, when she speaks people will listen. God Blesses you and your family and I continue to ask for a few more blessings your way.

  30. 5-25-2012

    GO AIMEE GO!!! you’re right, all you need is love & you’ve got oodles of it =) xoxox Bethlehem, PA

  31. 5-25-2012

    Good Morning Andy – I can’t count now the mornings where your words have touched my heart. I usually check on Aimee when I first get to work and her story through your words haven’t failed yet to give me a blessing! I love that you are rejoicing for the healing of the awesome God that we serve. I, too, believe there is a bigger purpose here to spread the love of God through Aimee’s tragedy. Yes, this is terrible, but what Christ-like character and humbleness you and your family have shown. Aimee is such a fabulous lady! What strength and courage she has shown and her never give up attitude has drawn a world of people to “hear” your family’s testimony. Like many others, I’ll continue to lift you up in prayer for strength, discernment and in love. (Katy, Texas)

  32. 5-25-2012

    How great is our God to use your family to turn something catastrophic into something that can proclaim his Glory! I am praying for all of you!

  33. 5-25-2012

    Thank you so much for keeping us updated. I, as so many others, have followed your story from the very beginning. I keep you all in my daily prayers, and want you to know what an inspiration Aimee is for me. May God give you all peace and comfort, healing & happiness.

  34. 5-25-2012

    I am following your story from Australia. I am an American missionary working over here. I just can’t imagine what you are going through Aimee and what your family is dealing with. But, I am so thankful that you are trusting in the Lord and know His peace. I will be praying for you here in Australia. Stay strong!!!

  35. 5-25-2012

    I know how hard it is having one of your babies in the hospital. Though mine wasn’t in such a condition for this long period of time, my son had gotten pneumonia which was misdiagnosed as a stomach bug for nearly a week. Once they figured out what the problem was, his entire left lung was surrounded by fluid and was ready to collapse. 2 months, 2 surgeries and 3 scars later my baby came home, still with a PIC line for medicines several times a day. That was almost 6 years ago and he’s healthy and bigger than me now.

    I know how stressful it is to immerse yourself in the welfare of one child who needs your faith and support. I know God is there helping you all and the physicians to do what is best for Aimee and helping her to have faith and push on. Even when you are tired, take time to snuggle your wife and other daughter because they feel the immersion too. Sometimes it’s hard to take that step back, I know, I hardly moved from my son’s bedside. Slow calming breaths, unconditional love and deep constant faith is all you need. You guys are all in my prayers.

  36. 5-25-2012

    I will keep Aimee in my prayers. I too am a walking miracle who believes in the power of prayer. I was in a serious accident and almost lost my leg. However, I was able to keep my leg even though it is not a very attractive one. Even when doctors give no hope God can intervene. I pray for the strength that you and your family need during this very stressful time. I also pray that your daughter find comfort in the loving arms of Jesus while her miracles continue to happen.

  37. 5-25-2012

    I was blessed to hear that you give God all the glory. God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!!

  38. 5-25-2012

    I have been following Aimee’s story since the beginning, and have thought about her and her entire family daily. Aimee truly has been an inspiration to me and her determination is unprecedented. I will continue to keep all of ya’ll in my thoughts and prayers.

  39. 5-25-2012

    I have been following your story from the beginning and wanted to tell you that I am a high school teacher in Texas to some pretty low-income kids. One day, I was reading one of your updates, and one of my students asked me about it. I then read it to the class. Since then, they come in daily and want to know how Aimee is doing. That has led us to several discussions about adversity and overcoming anything that gets in your way. Aimee’s story is inspiring people all over. Thank you for sharing so much with us. It really is making a difference!

  40. 5-25-2012

    I have been praying for your precious daughter and your family. I will continue to pray that God gives you and your family what you need to continue on this journey. The power of prayer is great as you said and I know that this child of yours has many “prayer warriors” on her team.

  41. 5-25-2012

    This video on TED talks is really inspiring.

    Take care your family is in my prayers.

  42. 5-25-2012

    My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Aimee Mullins (double amputee) spoke at a TED conference and I think that your daughter Aimee would find it inspiring. I’m not sure if the link above will show up but the video can be found by googling “TED Aimee Mullins”. Take care.

  43. 5-25-2012

    I have been following Aimee’s story closely and could not be happier to hear she is on the road to recovery. I wish you all nothing but the best. She seems a very strong, brave and loving young lady and I believe her family and the love of her family is outstanding and admirable. God bless you all. Miracles do happen. I will continue to follow your story. I feel like I am beginning to know her and I could only wish to have a family as great as hers.

    Much love and peace.


  44. 5-25-2012

    God bless you, Aimee. You can do it. As a 2006 NF survivor, I can tell you 1st hand the struggle of healing. It will seem as though its’ taking forever, it’s going to take your body time to heal, although in your head you are ready to go. You have survived :). I have been following your story from day one. I seen NF and said that’s what I had. My heart goes out to you and your entire family. I wish you nothing but peace and happiness. I am so proud to know your spirits, like mine are good, in spite of the hand you were dealt. I love you Aimee and pray daily for you.

    Mr. & Mrs. Copeland thank you for sharing Aimee’s story in your time of grief and sorrow.

    Kim King
    USA – NY

  45. 5-25-2012

    As a West Ga grad and a former resident of Carrollton I have been compelled to follow Aimee’s story and recovery. It is even more inspirational to me because of your family’s faith in Christ. The Copeland’s story and power of prayer is truly meant to touch people with the power of God. Aimee and her family are constantly in my prayers.

  46. 5-25-2012

    So well put there is nothing left to say but…Amen.

  47. 5-25-2012

    I am overwhelmed by the courage and accepting nature of this precious young lady. I,too, have followed Aimee’s progress from the beginning. I marvel at your entire family. You stay strong in faith when it seems impossible that God could be involved in this travesty. Although Aimee’s path has changed I know that she will reign supreme as she travels on this new course. I also know that she is one of God’s most special people and I believe that she will have an even greater reward in heaven than most. I pray for her constantly. No matter what trials I face they mininize to nothing when I think of the courage of this precious child. God bless your family. She is so lucky to have been the child of this mother and father. I hope to have the opportunity to follow her progress. Thank you so much for taking the time to send your beautifully written messages to all of us that care.

  48. 5-25-2012

    Keep writing! The Lord is using you to share Jesus with a hurting world. His favor rests on you.
    Your faith and words are such an encouragement. I am praying for Aimee.
    Your love for her is such a beautiful picture of our Heavenly Father’s love and how He fights for our lives.
    Stephanie from Chattanooga

  49. 5-25-2012

    I have also followed this story from the beginning and have not only been inspired by Aimee’s positive attitude through it all, but also the entire family’s. God is unimaginably good and has undoubtedly placed this journey in the right hands. Perfect testimony to Matthew 5:16!

  50. 5-25-2012

    Prayers continue for Aimee and for mom, dad, sister, boyfriend, and medical team. GOD is STILL in the HEALING BUSINESS!

  51. 5-25-2012

    I have been following this story since Yahoo published it and I have been praying for you. This story has really touched my heart deeply and has made me cry so much! May God imprint His perfect & unfailing love in the depths of your heart Aimee, and may you find comfort in His loving arms. You are His child and He loves you more than you know 😉 All praises to our glorious God for He is good!

  52. 5-25-2012


    I think Amy is so lucky to have you and I am certain she will cherish this blog forever. I have followed her story since this happened…she looks like my younger sister and she has just hit my heart. I wish you and your family the very best, and she obviously is an amazing woman with an incredible family.

  53. 5-25-2012

    I have been touched by your family’s story. I am a nurse and am fully aware of the challenges of this illness, having followed a patient with this infection and watching him come within inches of his life and slowly work back to a healthy person. Your witness to your faith is why you are in this place at this time. God takes whatever tragedies we encounter and uses them to glorify his name. Through the gift of the internet.many people can share their faith and witness God’s purpose in action. Many prayers are making their way to the One who is in control of all things. Your description of your daughter’s basic life functions are very beautiful. They are wondrously made by our Creator.

  54. 5-25-2012

    Mr. Copeland, thank you for sharing these moments of Aimee’s triumphs and God’s victory with us. I left a comment on one of the MSN stories about you and Aimee, explaining how close this event hits home, under the name StandingUpInMN. I’m sure you’re inundated with well wishes and prayers for Aimee, as well you should be. I just want to take a moment of your time to let you know that you are all beautiful people, that have handled yourselves with class, integrity, and authenticity. These are the moments in our lives that show our character and the Copeland family have shown what it is to be people of true faith and love.

    Thank you for reminding me how extraordinarily fortunate I am to still be here, with family that loves me, and a God who is good all the time.

    Nothing…nothing, happens in God’s world by mistake. I believe that today more than ever. May God continue to bless Aimee and your family.

    James Casey

  55. 5-25-2012

    Thank you Mr. Copeland for sharing Aimee’s inspirational journey. There are so many life lessons to be gleaned by all who are praying for Aimee daily: love of family, faith in God, and the power of prayer. It is so evident that Aimee’s spirit is beautiful and untarnished by this accident. What an incredible young woman! May God continue to bless you and your family.

  56. 5-25-2012

    Dear Mr. Copeland, Aimee and Family,
    My name is Cheryl Leblanc. I am a student at West Ga. When I heard about Aimee’s illness, my heart sank. You see, fourteen years ago, at almost the same age as Aimee, I went through a very similiar illness. As I will never know exactly what Aimee is going through, I can identify with her so much. I came down with a strep bacteria that caused pneumonia. I went into full organ shutdown, had to be on a ventilator(had a tracheotomy also)and was also on dialysis. My parent’s were in a very similiar situation as you are. They had to make all the decisions to save my life. One of those decisions was having to consent to amputations. Due to the lack of oxygen, my limbs started to turn black. I had to have my right leg, left foot and nine fingers amputated. This decision was very hard for my parents to make. They worried if I would hate them for this. After I got better, we had many discussions about this. I reassured them how blessed I am for having parents who cared so much and I thanked them for saving my life.
    Today I am married, with three children. I go to school full time for pre-pharmacy and I am trying to get into pharmacy school.I get around pretty well with the aid of prosthetics. Aimee will get better and go on to live a full life. She seems so determined, just like I am. It will be hard at times but she will get through it.
    Aimee will continue to be in my prayers. I think and pray for her everyday. If at sometime, when she is better, you would like me to talk to her, I would be more than happy to. I can identify what she is going through and I would love to be a support to her as she recovers. Please feel free to contact me at anytime through my West Georgia email address.
    May God bless all of you. Aimee is so blessed to have a great family and support system. I will continue to pray and keep you in my prayers.

  57. 5-25-2012

    What a blessing to read about Aimee and her blessed family! The dean for whom I work at ASU came from UWG, so I feel a special connection. I would love to meet you all sometime — I make awesome cinnamon rolls and could bring you some, although Aimee probably can’t eat yet. Please feel free to email me. I’m willing to help you in any way I can! You’re always in my prayers!

  58. 5-25-2012

    I do not know you all but I have prayed for you and your daughter since reading about her on a news website. Thank you for the update. God Bless and will continue to pray for all of you

  59. 5-25-2012

    We love you in Texas Aimee.. Praying for you every day and praying for strength for you family. Been following this story from the get go.. Every day will get better Aimee, just one day at a time..

  60. 5-25-2012

    To you and your family I would like to say how much this story has touched my life. From the minute I heard about it I’ve followed whatever news there was on her recovery and it is truly a miracle of all miracles that she is doing as well as she is. It is God’s blessing on her and her family that has brought you all through to this point. I will continue to pray for her and her continued recovery and pray for her continued progress to a whole and healthy life again. The struggles she faces and the great attitude she has should be a testament to all of us of the Lord’s love and protection for all of us. God bless you and everyone who is working hard to give Aimee her life back. Keep us apprised of how she is doing and we will keep on praying for her every day.

  61. 5-25-2012

    All the best from Munich, Germany! I visit your blog daily to see how your strong daughter is doing! God bless you!

  62. 5-25-2012

    What an inspiration Aimee and you are!! I’ve been keeping up with Aimee since the beginning and she has been in my prayers, along with the rest of you. Thank you for sharing Aimee’s story and giving others hope in God. I love to see how God is working miracles on Aimee and you spreading His word.

    Y’all will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    God bless you, Kelley

    ****Can’t wait to hear your story about the angel you mentioned.

  63. 5-25-2012

    I not only pray for Aimee’s recovery but also so that He who can grant us peace continues to grant you all strenth!

  64. 5-25-2012

    Andy- I have been following your blog with high hopes of aimee’s recovery. I did not know her personally, but after hearing about the accident and hearing about her progress has made her one of my role models. I continue to wish the best in a safe and healthy recovery for aimee. God bless you and your family

  65. 5-25-2012

    Thank you so much for sharing Aimee`s story…I actually got necrotizing fascitis back in late December..I was in the hospital for 12 days..I did not lose my leg but i was close to it, they had the mark on where they were going to amputate if they had to..they went in and did a debridment and an exploration to make sure the infection had not spread…it was a scary time…as of today i am recovering and not able to walk..but i thank God for saving my leg and most of all my life…I pray that Ammie recovers fully and that she stays strong in this hard time…I am pulling for her!!!

  66. 5-25-2012

    I have asked all my facebook friends to pray for Aimee and her family. Please tell Aimee for me that I think she is a
    phenominal young lady. Hugs and prayers coming your way.

  67. 5-25-2012

    Love hearing the updates! I got my shirt from Debra early this morning. Love it! Prayers continue to ascend!

  68. 5-25-2012

    Andy,You have done such a wonderful job of letting us meet Aimee and your family.I feel as though I know you so well and that keeps you in my heart and my prayers along with so many others. I believe because I have learned that my God does not give me any more than I can carry even when it feels like too much.Aimee has a very special purpose in this world and her spirit has touched me profoundly. It is a true gift to inspire people to feel the humanity for someone that was a stranger yesterday. I know that i have taken a little extra time to tell my loved ones how special they are. Thanks you for your courage in the face of such a personal time. Hugs for all of you.

  69. 5-25-2012

    I am reading and watching Aimee’s story. I may be getting ahead of myself, but I just keep thinking of the wonderful insights she will have into PTSD, critical injury, near-death experience, and loss-of-limb and how she could be an incredible counselor for those who are dealing with wartime injuries, etc. Her future path will unfurl in front of her. I wonder what it will be?

  70. 5-25-2012

    Praying for Aimee’s healing and recovery. Stunned by her story and I trust Aimee will continue to inspire many people with her journey and her life. I pray God will bless her.

  71. 5-25-2012

    Each day I continue to pray for your entire family. What your family and especially, Aimee, is enduring is beyond what most of us will ever have to encounter. She is a miracle in the making. Her courage along with the support your family offers her is a inspiration to me and all of us who continue to follow Aimee’s progress.

    Yes, there is a long road ahead for Aimee, but I feel that road that is now being paved for Aimee is one she will, soon, navigate with extraordinary strength. She has only began to show all of us what the human spirit is really made of.

  72. 5-25-2012

    Our family has been praying for your family constantly since we heard of Aimee’s accident. What a privilege to lift you up to our Father, our Healer, Jehovah Raphe. When I read your blogs, I feel I am entering a quiet sanctuary of worship. Thank you for sharing the gift Jesus has given you of your amazing perspective, joy and thankfulness.

  73. 5-25-2012

    We are praying for your here in Pennsylvania. You are remembered a masses at Saints Peter and Paul Church. You are truly loved and blessed. Our risen Lord will bring you through this. You are in our thought, in our prayers, and especially in our hearts.

  74. 5-25-2012

    Andy, Thank you so much for your heartfelt updates on Aimee. I’ve been following her story since the accident and my heart goes out to her and your entire family. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day. May God bless you all and give you the strength and courage you need during these trying times.

  75. 5-26-2012

    I have also been following Aimee’s story from the beginning. What strikes me most is her ability to let her beauty continue to persist throughout such a difficult situation. After reading one of your first updates on Aimee’s progress through a news source, tears trickled down my face as I thought of her incredible bravery. I keep Aimee and your family in my prayers everyday. Keep going Aimee! You’re a beautiful and resilient individual!

  76. 5-26-2012

    thank you for your outspoken testimony to Christ and his impact on our lives. I pray as much as i can for her and know that it’s making a difference (me along w/many many other prayers). nothing is so powerful as the power of prayer! God bless and God bless her faith and testimony in this very difficult time! We all have handicaps in one way or the other but Christ brings us through them! 🙂

  77. 5-26-2012

    I too have been following Aimee’s progress daily. Bless you for your faith and your expression of God’s love. Only a few weeks prior to Aimee’s accident, I experienced something unlike anything I ever have before. What started as a small sore spot on my elbow progressed within a matter of hours to a situation where my entire forearm was swollen, red and purple, furiously hot, and one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced. After 24 hours,fever and a degree of delirium set in and I sought help the following day. I was on the brink of becoming septic as my blood count was becoming extreme, but thankfully the rapid intervention of high powered antibiotics began to slow and then eventually reverse the attack from “whatever” was in there. Thus, it is with a completely thankful, yet humble spirit that I come here. In light of my experience I feel an overwhelming sense of compassion and desire to help Aimee however I can. I live far away, but compassion and spiritual connection are unaffected by geographical distance. I recently realized how I can help from afar by utilizing abilities that God has granted me by providing a benefit concert in my community. Though not my regular profession, I’ve performed for many years as a pianist as well as organist and have often been asked to present concerts, but seldom have done so due to other obligations. But given what I just experienced and my fresh appreciation for my life and limbs, and my desire to help Aimee, I want to make this happen. I will send a written description of what I’d like to accomplish, more personal and contact information, and a donation to the bank address given on this site. Hopefully, someone will be able to get the information to you when it arrives. I so honestly believe that through all of this, Aimee will have a positive and inspirational impact on the world in ways she could have only dreamed of before.

  78. 5-26-2012

    What fabulous news, I heard on TV that Aimee is now sitting up–I was speechless!!! I posted about Aimee on my Facebook page asking for prayers for her, and also on the “Faith Forum” of another website to which I’ve belonged for several years. You have no idea how many of us who don’t even know Aimee love her and are praying for her!! 🙂 People are absolutely astounded at your beautiful daughter’s progress, her courage, and her spirit. I know Aimee will triumph–what a fighter she is!! God bless Aimee and all of you, you are all in our prayers, and if this wonderful news isn’t an answer to prayer, I cannot imagine what is!!! GO AIMEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. 5-26-2012

    God bless Aimee. I hope so. All good things greeting from Germany.

  80. 5-26-2012

    I have been watching the current news and postings on Aimee’s accident. Too few people know of this disease until it strikes a loved one. I want to share a very personal story with those that love Aimee…In 2001, my husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer. His entire bladder was removed. A “new” bladder was constructed using 4-6′ of his small intestine. After a month-long hospitalization(2 very rough weeks in ICU) he was released to go home. Chemotherapy caused multiple fistulars and repeated hospitalizations and surgeries. After a grueling 3 years, he was physically strong and anxious to return to his love of “golf”. However, due to the week abdominal/intestional walls, he had developed a hernia (close to his belly button). I drove him to the hospital for an out-patient hernia repair. After recovery I brought him home to rest and “take it easy for a few days”. Surgery was on a Wednesday…he did not feel good (nauseated)on Thursday and felt worse on Friday. Both days I called his surgeons office and was told this was normal and a prescription was called in (phenergan I think) Well—–by Saturday, I KNEW he was a very sick man and could not wait for a return phone call, or another prescription. I immediately drove him to the Baptist Hospital. This was on a VERY BUSY Saturday evening. He was not admitted until 12 midnight. The attending ER doctor examined my husband and immediately left on his heels bringing back with him the ER Surgeon. From the time I got him to the ER and the time he was seen by an ER Surgeorn five hours had passed. This was wrong ! Very wrong !! The ER Surgeon explained to me and my daughter who met us at the hospital that he would have to operate IMMEDIATELY.
    The halls were dark, quiet and lonely and the two hour surgery seemed to last 12 hours. At long last, he said to me “I am sorry – your husband is a VERY SICK man. Apparently, the doctor who repaired my husband’s hernia nicked the intestine, did not realize this, and closed him up. Bottom scary line—for three days the intestional “matter” had leaked into his abdominal area. He was not expected to live.

    If you are Aimee’s Mother or Dad or Sister reading this, please pass this on to Aimee when you know the time is right.

    My daughter, son, me, everyone who knew us prayed for his life.
    Although he did not have amputations as such, a large portoin of his “guts” were removed and more intestine removed. After 6 weeks he was sent home where home health care cleaned and debrided him daily. Then his life was put in my hands. AND for 3 months I removed gauze/bandages from around his torso. Using sterile agents, gloves, a mask and a gown, I pulled yards and yards of gauze out of his “open wound” about 4″ x 6″ x 3″depth. I then sterilized the open wound using different methods, rubbed the inside with a medical cream and than repacked new, sterile clean gauze back into the open wound. The goal was regenerate tissues/blood to close from the bottom up. This was an almost year long achievement. I don’t usually share this very private time of our lifes. My husband was 61 at the time and I was not about to let him “leave me and our children/grandchildren. Nope, we forged on.

    The whole point of my sharing this with you is that “hope cures”,
    Prayers open doorways, positive attitudes heal, and tired as you may be, never never give up. Your love, faith,hope, trust and commitment WILL bring “your Aimee” back to you.

    I attest to this in that my husband has returned to “his true love” – golf – yep four days a week; a week at Hilton Head, and the glorious blessing of standing at our daughter’s shoulder as she gave birth to our youngest grandson (his middle name is after my husband).

    I realize this comment is long, lengthy and rambling, but please read it with the love I have put into sharing a medical crises and knowing that for Aimee a beautiful rainbow awaits her.

    • 5-30-2012

      No-one needs to read your long self-serving horror story, especially Aimee’s family. Get a life

  81. 5-26-2012

    Copeland Family, through trial and triumph our God still reigns. Please be encouraged with Joshua 1:3-9. The entire world is coming together for Aimee. She will be forever
    known as “Aimee Angel”. Her inward beauty is just as astounding as her outward beauty. Hang in there sweetheart the entire world is standing around you as a “Wall of Fire.” Praying daily for your devine healing. We love you “Aimee Angel”

  82. 5-26-2012

    As always, I am without words….God bless you Aimee and your incredible family!!

  83. 5-26-2012

    bon courage à toi Aimée. Marianne…. de Belgique (Europe)

  84. 5-26-2012

    Just wanted you to know that I have been praying for Aimee from the very beginning and reading your updates. My husband and I attended church with Megan West, a high school friend of Aimee’s, in Snellville, Ga. We are now living in Australia, where my husband is working on a special project for his company. So tell Aimee she is receiving prayers from all over the world. I am praying for you, Donna and Paige.
    Mary Jo Norman

  85. 5-26-2012

    When I first heard of Amiee I couldn’t believe the story. My heart just broke for this beautiful girl. I want her and the family to know we in Northern Maine are praying for you. As I started to read a little bit of the story I didn’t know if you were Christians (but I hoped) now that I know I also know you have an inner peace that the world can’t understand. Praise God for His gift to you. The one thing we understand is “this is not all there is” we are given great promises of eternal life that bring joy, peace, contentment, longing, hope, and an excitement in our souls.
    “Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else;I am God, and there is none like me…
    In His love
    May He bless you and keep you

  86. 5-26-2012

    Early this week i read what had happend to Amiee…I was crying my eyes out….I live on the other side of the world…in Denmark…and I prayed for her…I am so glad, but not surprised to read that you believe in Jesus …and that there is healing in his blood. I thought from the beginning of this, something is going on, because this takes a miracle, and He is going to give it to you…He is always faithfull….and He hears those who call his name. Salm: 91 I will keep on praying…..God bless you and give you strenght. In Christ Mira

  87. 5-26-2012

    AIMEE you are in my prayers everyday. I too had necrotizing fasciitis – last summer. I was bit by my own dog, complete accident. 5 surgeries, kidney failer and multiple hospital stays. With the loving support of family and friends, I am today —> 100% healthy. God is holding you in his loving arms. Stay strong, god bless. Melissa xo…

  88. 5-26-2012

    Thank you God, for loving all of us and especially for loving Aimee. I know He will always be by her side giving her strength, courage and direction. Thank you Andy, for giving us updates on your family. I pray He gives you all the love and strength you will need for all your days.

  89. 5-26-2012

    Glory to God!

  90. 5-26-2012

    I stumbled upon this story. Incredible in so many ways. I’ve been blessed to read it and be inspired by all those involved. Thanks

  91. 5-26-2012

    Aimee and the Copelands, Words can not express the emotions that I have felt from reading all about this unbelievable event in your lives. To say it puts things in perspective for me is a massive understatement. To hear of Aimee’s incredible courage, through your words Andy, is breathtaking to say the least. I try to live life to the fullest every day, but this has reminded me even more how precious we all are. I truly want you all to know that I have prayed in my life before, but at no other time have I prayed more than now for Aimee and her recovery. My Love and Prayers are with you all. Thank you Aimee from the bottom of my heart for being an Angel to us all and reminding us what Hope, Faith and Love are all about.

  92. 5-26-2012

    Andy, Please write a book – maybe many books. You write such inspiring accounts of your little girl’s struggles. It’s a tribute to Aimee, to Paige and to Donna. Your writings touch my heart. I will buy every book you write. It will be a good way to raise money to pay for all of the medical and rehabilitation bills. God bless you and your family through all.

  93. 5-26-2012

    I don’t have to know the family personally to be touched by this tragedy, we are all God’s creation made in His image and likeness and when one hurts all should hurt, I am especially moved because i have a 21 year old daughter and and just the thought of her being in the situation as Aimee is just hard to fathom. I applaud your faith dad , from the first time i heard this story I have not stopped praying for the family especially Aimee. I believe that God still words miracle and we can see it it her everyday. Take hope in this scripture : James 1 : 2-4

    2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

  94. 5-26-2012

    To this beautiful family…having been struck with this terrible disease almost 5 years ago, your story captured my heart from the first news post. Along with so many others, I have been praying for Aimee and the family. This is a terrible disease and does effect the entire family. Stay close. She will need the love of her friends and family for a very long time….as if that would end!!! God is so great in His many blessings. He has a plan for your Aimee! Keep your eyes, ears, and hearts open to what that plan may be! With love…

  95. 5-26-2012

    My prayers has been with Aimee along with the Copeland family since day 1…you guys are very strong through such hard times in which i think will be the reason of Aimee’s recovery…God bless and you guys will continue to be in my prayers.

  96. 5-26-2012

    Thank you so much for sharing Aimee’s amazing progress and for the incredible reminder of the power of prayer and the miracles that can and do take place as the result of a total commitment to faith in our almighty God. Your story has really spoken to me, and your family will certainly remain in constant prayer. God bless you all!

  97. 5-26-2012


    From your loving descriptions of your daughter and her fortitude in the face of her accident and all that it has brought, it sounds as though God has tenderly chosen Aimee for a remarkable journey of faith. I pray that He will continue to bless her with abounding strength and joy.

    Thank you for sharing your faith and her story.

    In Christ our Lord,


  98. 5-26-2012

    I have Aimee on my daily prayer list. We know that God’s ways are not our ways neither is His timeing our timeing but we do have His word to stand upon. I stand upon what God said to Jacob in Isa. 43:1-3a; Isa 41:10 and Isaiah 26:3-4. May God continue to bless Aimee, You and Your Wife abundtanly above all we could ask or think.
    He has a plan for Aimee and in HIs timeing we shall know what it is.
    Thank you for sharing your faith.

  99. 5-26-2012

    Reading about dear Amy and how much progress she is making is nothing short of amazing. She is determined and is so brave. I just want you to know I am praying for her, and for you her family. God bless you

  100. 5-26-2012

    Thank you for sharing Aimee’s story. She is so inspirational. Also please tell her that her Delta Gamma Sisters are continually praying for her and ITB, she will know what it means. Continuing to pray for her and your family.

  101. 5-26-2012

    Praying for your family and especially for Aimee. May God continue to strengthen you all and bring healing to Aimee.

  102. 5-26-2012

    I’m the safety director for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Savannah, GA. I knoow first hand about this issue and I recommend that you speak with the doctor about HBO therapy. I have help treat many cases of this type and feel it’s worth a shot. I hope this message gets to you in time. My email is I have seen miracles with this treatment. I pray for your family! Valerie C.

  103. 5-26-2012

    Blessings to all your family as Jesus heals your precious Aimee. What a miracle she is and a testament to God’s grace!

  104. 5-26-2012


  105. 5-26-2012


  106. 5-26-2012

    To that testimony, all I know to say is “Amen.”

  107. 5-26-2012

    I have been Aimee’s friend for many years and I love her. I want you to tell the truth. You have not let her friends see her, you didn’t even know that Corbin was her best friend. You let some unknown person from Colorado in to play a song he wrote for her, but you won’t let her boyfriend of 4 years, a musician who has written a myriad of songs for Aimee, do the same? What’s wrong with you people? This is about Aimee, and what Aimee wants, and who Aimee loves, and she shouldn’t have to beg to see people who have been the life and breath of her life for so many recent years. Back off. Let her see who she wants to see.

    • 5-30-2012

      That’s horrible to hear. How could they do that to her? So sad. I guess her friends can’t bring in the money like other people can. Horrible.

  108. 5-26-2012

    My family is praying for your family. God is clearly using your writing talents and your faith to provide an amazing example of how a father should respond in the face of tragedy. Aimee is a fighter and will continue to exude God’s love. I lift her up in Jesus’ name!

  109. 5-26-2012

    Andy – I go to bed thinking about your family. Your lovely family. I wake up thinking about you all. I pray for you randomly throughout the day. May God give you all the strength and peace of mind that you need. Aimee is such a beautiful girl. My heart goes out to her.


  110. 5-27-2012

    Ever since I heard the story on the news, I have been praying for Aimee and asking for God’s healing touch. My daughter is the same age and my heart breaks for you guys in this situation. Thank you for setting up the blog so that we can continue to follow her progress. “What is impossible with men, is possible with God.” I know you are seeing that first hand. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    A Fellow Believer

  111. 5-27-2012

    Andy and Donna…I can’t even say that I understand how you feel, because I have never been faced with a situation like this for a child. You all have been in my prayers since I first heard about Aimee. To her sister, continue to be there to support your parents and Aimee…you’ve been great!! Andy, you are absolutely remarkable…the inspiration that you have given your daughter, the “unselfish” updates that you have given all of us and the determination that your daughter was going to make it through this. I know it has been emotionally, mentally and physically exhausting for all of you and you must get some rest. She’s out of danger now, so it’s time to start taking care of yourselves. May God continue to bless your family!!

  112. 5-27-2012

    Just wanted to wish Aimee well, and all your family. When I was feeling a little blue this weekend about being lonely, I thought of Amy and how she has to face her life as it is now, and it instantly made me grateful for my blessings as I realized my burdens were light compared to hers. I am so thankful you have shared her story. I hope she gets stronger every day.

  113. 5-27-2012


    I have been watching your posts from the begining, Aimee could not have a better support system then the amazing family she has all around her! I know how tough this can be, as i have gone through a similar situation with a member of my family, and the fact you are still taking time to update the world and stay as strong as you are is absolutely inspriational and amazing! Aimee and your family have all our thoughts and prayers from my unit out here in Afghanistan! GOD Bless!

  114. 5-27-2012

    Andy – there aren’t enough words to describe the awe and appreciation for the God-given gift of being able to “know” you and your family. I have followed this story from the get-go and the inspiration, perseverance, love, and dedication that you and your family have shown to one another is a testament to us all.

    First of all, to share with us this horrific event in your life, only to turn it around to show how the power of love and faith can bring us through anything. What a remarkable family–and that Aimee! She is my new hero! Please tell her that a mom from Texas, says to get well soon! As a mom with two teen daughters–and I know I speak for many moms–we need her. We need her strength. We need her wisdom. We need her kindness. But most of all,we need her love of life and all that it brings–the good and bad. She is such an inspiration!

    God has big plans for her. I don’t believe that these tumultuous days have been nothing. Aimee’s best days are ahead and I, along with many, many others will be cheering her on!

    Take care and know that you and your family are in my constant prayers. God bless you and your family.

  115. 5-27-2012

    Thanks for the update, have been following Aimee’s progress right from the day I saw her news in CNN, her courage/will to fight is truly an inspiration for many and will pray for her speedy recovery.

  116. 5-27-2012

    Thank you, Andy and Aimee for your courage. I believe and pray that God will keep Aimee alive, and give her abundant life. I need a miracle in my life too, and Aimee’s life gives me hope.



  117. 5-27-2012

    You are in my prayers for God’s strength to continue, we lost our grandson last year but I know he is with Jesus now playing as if nothing happen. We will see him again but for now life goes on and I was so happy to hear you believe in Jesus Christ. I know all things work together for good for those who believe in Jesus. So Aimee has a beautiful plan from God for her life even though she may suffer for awhile. God bless your family.

  118. 5-27-2012

    I am so happy to hear that Aimee is up and alert now, so so happy! I read about her on Facebook, and I have been keeping up ever since, as well as, keeping her and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I know that with her remarkable strength you have wrote about and all of the love around her, that she is going to recover, and be even stronger and more full of life than ever. Lots of love Aimee, so much love from so many can help heal you, I just know it will. God bless you and your family.

  119. 5-27-2012

    I do not know your family and have never gotten the privilege to meet your beautiful Aimee, but through the power of social media, I stumbled upon your story.

    I cannot imagine all that each of you face everyday, but I am so humbled and encouraged by your faith, attitude, and joy in Christ. The Lord is using this experience to make Himself alive and known in a world that so quickly shuts out and judges those who have put their faith in Him alone. As a fellow believer, my heart breaks for the trials before you yet also rejoices for the glory to come.

    These two passages of scripture came to mind as I have been following the blog in order to know how to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. May they bless your heart as they have mine, many a time.

    On that day you will be glad, even if you have to go through many hard trials for a while. Your faith will be like gold that has been tested in a fire. And these trials will prove that your faith is worth much more than gold that can be destroyed. They will show that you will be given praise and honor and glory when Jesus Christ returns. You have never seen Jesus, and you don’t see him now. But still you love him and have faith in him, and no words can tell how glad and happy you are to be saved. That’s why you have faith. -1 Peter 1:6-9 (CEV)

    For he has not despised or abhorred
    the affliction of the afflicted,
    and he has not hidden his face from him,
    but has heard, when he cried to him.
    -Psalm 22:24

    The Lord is hearing the prayers of many and He is moving mightily.

  120. 5-27-2012

    Aimee will continue to be in our prayers! Glad to see that she is improving!

  121. 5-27-2012

    I have been following Aimee’s story since day one. I bet I have read everything that you have posted everyday. We are praying for her and your family and she has been in my thoughts everyday. I was reading people magazine and she is in there today. I am so glad that ya’ll were able to get her story out there. I can’t even imagine what it’s been like and I keep asking myself what I could do to help. My sister and I are organzing a fundraiser!! I have been in Carrollton since I was 17 and I have never seen a community quite like us. The people here are always there to help. Makes me so proud to call this my home. We will continue to pray for you and your family. I know everyday is a struggle for Aimee but her knowing that we are all rallying around her survival. She is the strongest girl to have already gone through so much. I admire her strengh and I know god will get her through this. She is so much of the world and she has so much left to do for this troubled world.

  122. 5-27-2012

    Thank you for sharing your daughter’s amazing strength and grace, as well as your family’s strong support, love and faith. You are truly blessed. Though Aimee’s story is catastrophic and heart-rending, it is easy to believe that she will be fine: she has such a positive outlook and such a great support system in her family. When God is for us, who can be against us, indeed? Bless you all, and I wish Aimee a smooth recovery.

  123. 5-27-2012

    It is wonderful to hear of the healing power of music. Aimee has been in my prayers since I first heard her story, and I hope she continues to improve! Please let us know if we can help you in any way!

  124. 5-27-2012

    Hello beautiful family,

    I am now getting familiar with your story as I have been going through a traumatic situation as well. The reason I decided to leave a comment is to encourage you and also to tell you what you already know…God is in control. As a new mom of a 25 weeker who is now a year old with no medical issues, I am here to say, the impossible is possible with Christ. Please continue to hold on to your faith. When the days are long and the nights are lonely, remember, he is always with you. Close your eyes and fall into his warm awaiting arms. This place is your refuge and will allow you the strength to go on and be strong for Aimee. I pray for healing, strength and that you have the support you need during this difficult time.
    God bless you and your family

  125. 5-28-2012

    Thanks for sharing her story. I know Aimee but not that much but what I do know is that she is teaching me how to love life, family, and self all over again. most of all, the faith that your family has and the gratitude that is expressed through your writings is truly inspirational! Thank you!

  126. 5-28-2012

    As a parent of two teenage daughters….I cannot imagine the pain. God bless you and your family from Tulsa, Oklahoma.

  127. 5-28-2012

    Thank you for sharing your heart and your family and wonderful Aimee with the world!!!! I have been praying for Aimee and all of you and the caretakers from the first day, as many have all over the world!!! God is so good and really blesses in the worst of times and your witness is a light that really shines!! I know Aimee will grow stronger everyday and go on to do great things for the Lord!!!! God bless you all!!!!

  128. 5-28-2012


    We continue to pray for Amy and for your entire family. Thank you so much for keeping us updated on Amy’s recovery. She is such an inspiration and so are you.

    With prayers from the heart-
    Oscar and Jeri Davila
    New Orleans, LA

  129. 5-28-2012

    I have been following Aimee’s recovery since you started her blog. I have personally been struggling with my faith for some time although raised in the church. I wondered often why God would let me suffer. Why was my life a constant struggle? Your updates have put many things into a different perspective. Aimee has helped me realize God is always there even when we cannot see him. Thank you for bringing God back into my life through your words and your undying faith. My prayers are with your family and Aimee. I know she will one day soon have another Aimee day and that will be when she gets to go home.

  130. 5-28-2012

    I hope you don’t mind, but I have copied the last paragraph of this blog posting and posted it to my facebook page (credited to you, of course.) I am so inspired by your faith and the closeness of your family. God is indeed good. May He continue to heal Aimee and bestow blessings on your family.

  131. 5-29-2012

    Andy – you have become one of us. Warrior parents whose children end up becoming our heros. Its a very special club, not one that you sign up to join, but certainly in the end I realized that I was incredibly proud of my son who was courageous in the face of fear. And that somewhere down that “long bus ride” as he calls it…we survive because they do. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Aimee and your family.

  132. 5-29-2012

    My prayers our with you Aimee, I know this is going to be a tough road but your strength amazes me, You will always be in my prayers for a fast healing, you look like you have such a wonderful family to help you through this, may the Lord bless you each day with strength and healing.

  133. 5-30-2012

    Andy thank you for sharing Aimee’s road to complete healing and recovery. I know GOD is a healer,and He will bring all of you through this with more faith and trust in Him than ever before. I will continue to pray for all of you including the doctors and nurses that aid her. I will also be contributing this weekend to your great financial need.

  134. 6-12-2012

    God bless and strengthen all of you. You are uplifted in much prayer! Keep your faith, and continue to share God’s blessings!

  135. 6-15-2012

    Yes, the Lord works miracles among us every day. You have every reason to believe He will continue to do so for Aimee and for you, her loving family. My best friend, at age 40, was diagnosed with stage IV Mantle Cell Lymphoma one week before Christmas 2010. This is a rare form of cancer & little is known about it, much less how to treat it. The Lord saw him through several rounds of the strongest chemo and a bone marrow transplant when we were praying he’d survive just the treatments. Fast-forward to today… he has been in remission & cancer-free for six months now. Not only that but he’s jogging now & very active in his church.

    All things ARE possible through Christ.

    I just know Christ and your strong faith will see Aimee through as well. I’ll be praying for it.

  136. 6-15-2012

    Never underestimate how sharing your story can help someone else. Let me explain….I have been praying and following your story and check from time to time on updates. I lost my sister in January this year and have found it really hard to smile when I think of her. I just can’t believe she is gone. I know I shouldn’t question why she isn’t here but tell that to my heart. Reading this post reminded me of my sister about 15 years ago. She had a very traumatic brain injury and we didn’t know if she would survive. For days, we sat by her bedside praying and talking to her and just willing her eyes to open. Finally they did open but it was like no one was there. We continued to pray and talk to her but still nothing. Finally after several days, my other sister and I entered her room with cokes in our hands. (My sister loved cokes). Her eyes got as big as silver dollars and she tried to sit up and utter a few words. We couldn’t believe how a simple coke had flipped a switch in her brain and brought her back to us. Anyway, reading this post reminded me of that day and I smiled for the first time when I thought about her since she has been gone. I realize I was lucky to have had her at all. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

  137. 6-18-2012

    I’ve been praying for Aimee as well as all of you since I first read about her accident. Your blog is so touching and real and I cry when I read your updates. I know that God would never want a child of his to suffer or hurt. To see the love that all of you have for Aimee and for our Lord Jesus Christ, it is so overwhelming and beautiful. Sometimes I worry that the Internet can be used as an instrument of the devil. I know without a shadow of a double that in this case the internet is being used to spread the love of God through faith, prayers and healing. Your love for the Lord is an inspiration to us all. Through Aimee’s story we will all draw strength and perseverance. Please know that Aimee and all of her family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers daily. May God be with all of you and give Aimee the strength to cross the finish line. I live for the day when I read on your blog that she is walking again. I know she’ll do it, she has the love of a strong encouraging family supporting her and God’s never ending love guiding her. God Bless and keep you all safely in his loving arms. Thank you Andy for the difficult task you took on of letting complete strangers hear about your precious daughter’s difficult fight to live. You are truly a man of God and we are all honored to be able to pray for you and your family. Our prayers will not cease

  138. 6-19-2012

    God Bless you!! i hope you can raise enough for your surgery!

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