Posted by on May 13, 2012 in ANDY'S BLOG WITH UPDATES | 3 comments

Happy Mother’s Day!

I thought this would be a difficult day for Donna, but she’s handling it well. Her sister Deirdra took the trouble to buy a gift and a couple of cards for me to give Donna from Paige and Aimee. My plan was to get up early, retrieve the cards and have them and the gift set out for Donna when she came in for her coffee.

So I walked out to the car and looked in the trunk for the gift. It wasn’t there. Not only was it not there, but the trunk was neat and organized, not a mess of strewn about bags and baskets as it was the night before.

Then I remembered that the night before I was looking for an envelope of gift cards that Donna’s sister Debra had brought us from the teachers at her school. I couldn’t find it and I told Donna that she took it. That worried her, because she didn’t recall me giving it to her. She went outside and looked in the car for it and reorganized the trunk in the process. She came back in the house more distressed. The card wasn’t in the trunk.

I decided to double check my computer bag. Uh oh. I smiled sheepishly.”Well what do you know, I found it!”

*Stony stare*

So there I was, Sunday morning, Mother’s Day, and I did not have the cards nor the gift. Donna walked in for her coffee.

“Honey,” I held her by the arms and kissed her. “Happy Mother’s Day.”

Donna smiled and that’s when I noticed the shirt she was wearing. It was the t-shirt that Deirdra had bought for me to give to Donna.

“Where did you get that shirt?” I asked her.

“Isn’t it cute?” She responded. “I found it in the trunk last night when I was cleaning out the car. I’m not sure who gave it to me, but I like it.”


Aimee is doing wonderful this morning. She is awake, alert and wanting to be rid of that blasted ventilator. She remains at 33%.

Just to let you know what it must be like to breathe through a ventilator, imagine having to suck air through a straw for days on end. No thanks. Well, that’s what it is like for Aimee. No wonder she hates it.

She still has questions, basically the same questions that we have already answered. They are giving her medication to help her forget the stress she’s under, so that explains her inability to recollect many things. This is good for her, but mildly frustrating for us. It frustrates me because I want her to be able to focus on what she can control, not on things she cannot control. I tell her not to worry, I tell her to concentrate on breathing, I ask her to pray and meditate on healing. I hold her and pray while she prays. This is all we can do now and I can honestly say it works quite well. I believe this has helped speed her healing process.

What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Romans 8:31

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. Y’all are awesome!


  1. 5-31-2012

    I’m reading the online diary (backwards). I’m so glad to read the GREAT news! Dad, I’d like to say that you have done great in this journey. You have nothing to be embarassed about! You managed to hide your feelings when I’m not sure I could! I do agree that the hosp. should have explained Aimee’s situation better to you, when you got the word she “didn’t want to see you”– although I’m sure after you found out why and you did see her, you probably thought “that was really silly; of course she loves me”! But you are only human and sometimes us humans feel like we’re being rejected when that’s not the case at all. Also, you waited to “lose it” till you were in the privacy of your own car. With the stress of disappointment and anxiety of having to wait all those hours, not to mention the stress of the whole “continuing saga” would be enough to make many people lose it– and hopefully most of us make it to a private spot (for us women, we can also “lose it” among friends. It sounds like you are doing fine to me! God Bless you and your family— I know- he already has.
    I have another msg. coming right up.

  2. 5-31-2012

    It’s me again, sort of on another subject. I must admit I never really liked the name Amy very much. When I heard about Aimee and went on fb to send prayers and share her story, and I had to enter her name, I thought “gee what a pretty name”; the spelling made it a whole new name, and gave it sort of new tone to it. Just thought I’d mention that. Oddly, probably because of that spelling, although I could remember the last name of Copeland, I could not remember her first name after checking up on her once or twice. I wondered how Aimee was doing, and I was hoping to have at least somewhat good news to share with the Facebook world, and I couldn’t remember her name to find out what was going on! The last I knew, there was a possibility of Aimee losing her other leg. Did she lose anything more than what had happened originally? With the news she had been given that day,for he first time, Aimee wasn’t too happy. Like I said, I’m reading the diary backwards looking for the answer (as well as any progress that was prior to the wonderful news of 5/27! I don’t know what day I checked in last. I know it was before Mother’s Day which I just finished reading about. Did you hear about the other cases in the Atlanta area? I only heard about 1, and only one report. Have you heard anything? I don’t imagine you’ve had much time to listen to news or to pick up a newspaper.
    Okay, I’m going to share the great news on fb before OR after I read the diary./Maggie<3 🙂

  3. 6-19-2012

    May God’s love give you strength now and in the days ahead.You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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