Posted by on May 10, 2012 in ANDY'S BLOG WITH UPDATES | 0 comments

It has been a long day. I just plopped on the sofa and went to sleep in a matter of minutes. Let me simply say that Aimee’s neurologist reported that her brain function is normal. We know this because she desperately wants to communicate with us whenever we go in her room .

The only way to communicate is for us to pick the topic in the form of a yes or no question and allow her to nod or shake her head. Yet there are so many topics that she needs answers to. We have quickly learned that this method of communication only stirs her up and makes her attempt to speak, which causes her to move the breathing tube and irritate her throat. We have come to the conclusion that it is in Aimee’s best interest to not try to communicate, but for us to simply be by her side. This is an emotionally painful learning experience for us and we do not want to frustrate our daughter.

How many of you can lie in bed for 8 hours in one position? Not me. Aimee has been lying on her back with only slight positional movement for nearly a week now. Keep in mind that Aimee cannot be moved a great deal because of the wounds that have wracked her body. Fortunately she has a nice soft air mattress beneath her that significantly reduces any possibility of pressure sores. As I mentioned, the nurses do shift her frequently. Our baby girl is so fragile right now and maintaining her comfort is a round-the-clock effort.

The nurses here are loving and helpful and they are helping me learn what is best for Aimee. I stood at the foot of Aimee’s bed tonight and spoke to her nurse about a lot of things. The nurse actually ministered to me. She was concerned that I might crash and burn if I didn’t get any rest. She’s probably right. I am now going to bed.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support for Aimee. I promise you that you will one day see and hear the power of your prayers when Aimee delivers her story from her own lips. I await that day with intense anticipation.

God bless you all.

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